
Orientación Psicopedagógica

Estudiantes Madrid

Atención a alumnos con discapacidad o Necesidades de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE)

Para solicitar adaptaciones, apoyos y/o recursos sigue los siguientes pasos:

Pídenos cita: contigo@comillas.edu
Inscríbete en nuestro programa (FORMULARIO)
Envíanos los informes, estudios clínicos y/o certificados actualizados que avalen tu situación

Accesibility and inclusion

Our mission is to provide support and monitor the adoption of the necessary measures to ensure equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for students with disabilities and specific support needs at our university.


Application form

Follow the link below to go directly to the online application form. Please use your Comillas email to complete it.



Once you successfully completed your application we will contact you via email regarding the next steps, such as scheduling a meeting with Elena Sánchez (Educational Psychologist).



Get the documentation supporting your request ready to send via email to contigo@comillas.edu

Valid documentation:

  • Accomomdation Letter from your Home University.
  • Current report written by a medical profesional/psychologist that includes relevant information on the diagnosis.


  • First semester: from 28/08/2024 to 31/10/2024
  • Second semester: from 13/01/2025 to 21/02/2025

Applications outside this period will only be accepted in excepcional cases

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    Application form

    Follow the link below to go directly to the online application form. Please use your Comillas email to complete it.

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    Once you successfully completed your application we will contact you via email regarding the next steps, such as scheduling a meeting with Elena Sánchez (Educational Psychologist).

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    Get the documentation supporting your request ready to send via email to contigo@comillas.edu

    Valid documentation:

    • Accomomdation Letter from your Home University.
    • Current report written by a medical profesional/psychologist that includes relevant information on the diagnosis.
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    • First semester: from 28/08/2024 to 31/10/2024
    • Second semester: from 13/01/2025 to 21/02/2025

    Applications outside this period will only be accepted in excepcional cases

List of available accommodations for students with disabilites and specific educational needs

The curricular accommodations' guideline is specific for each student, therefore, it will be essential a personal evaluation carried out by Comillas Contigo for each case, in order to establish the corresponding measures according to the current regulations and legislation in terms of assistance to students with specific educational support needs.

Galería de 3 fotografías

Adaptaciones en las pruebas de acceso

En las pruebas de acceso a la universidad podrás contar con las adaptaciones y/o apoyos necesarios para realizarlas en igualdad de condiciones que el resto de los candidatos.

lapices de colores sobre un cuaderno

  1. Rellena el formulario de solicitud de las pruebas de acceso.

  1. Enviar a contigo@comillas.edu la siguiente documentación:

  • Informe de adaptación en la EVAU.

  • Informe médico y/o certificado de discapacidad que avale tu situación.

lapices de colores sobre un cuaderno
más recursos

Enlaces de interés

Puedes complementar información consultando los proyectos de fundaciones y portales especificos para personas con discapacidad

Sede Alberto Aguilera, 32

Lunes y viernes de 09:15h a 15:00h

Sede Cantoblanco

Despacho 10 - Edificio A

Martes y jueves de 9:30h a 15:00h

Tel: 91 542 28 00 Ext.: 2958 / 2861

eplazad@comillas.edu / esanchezh@comillas.edu / pariza@ext.comillas.edu /  contigo@comillas.edu