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Hugs. Five stories

Fernando Millán, Professor of the Faculty of Theology and Director of the U. Institute of Spirituality, publishes this work of fiction

A book titled 'Abrazos Cinco Relatos' by Fernando Millán Romeral is displayed in the foreground with a cityscape in the background.

The book can be purchased at the link below

26 June 2024

Fernando Millán, Professor at the Faculty of Theology, has published the work Abrazos. Cinco relatos by Editorial Prokomun (2024, ISBN: 978-84-128649-2-2).

In this work, there are five narrative stories where the embrace is at the centre. Víctor Herrero, also Professor of the Faculty of Theology, comments by way of summary:

This book by Fernando Millán is on the side of those who believe that, in Eugénio de Andrade's slightly altered words, we can only know about the soul what the body teaches us, or, to put it another way, that the surface is never just a surface, but a rim. What Fernando - Carmelite, writer and theologian - has done in these pages is to turn into reality, through fiction, this dream of mine which I have just expressed here and which I will formulate again: to think through the skin about the depths of the human condition.

In these five stories we find five hugs that, while confronting us with five different stories, reach us like a body that, in five different ways, embraces us. To feel consolation while reading, to feel closer to the intimate truth of the world is something that only good books, written by creatures full of goodness, give.Others are left with the fascinationfor shadows. What isfound here, fragileand at the level of our eyes, is light.

The book can be purchased from the Publisher's website by clicking here.

Professor Fernando Millán Romeral holds a PhD in Theology from the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology and is an expert, among other disciplines, in Sacraments, with special attention to Reconciliation. He is currently Director of the University Institute of Spirituality.

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