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Students from Comillas ICAI participate in a datathon at Endesa

The ENDESA Chair for applications of artificial intelligence to data-driven maintenanceorganised the activity

Datathon Endesa

4 December 2023

More than 50 students from Comillas Pontifical University participated in a datathon organised by the ENDESA Chair for applications of artificial intelligence to data-driven maintenance, which was held at the company's headquarters in Madrid.

Accompanied by 20 Endesa employees, the students in their 3rd year of  Mathematical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence  and 5th year of the Dual Degree Program in Engineering in Telecommunication Technologies and Business Administration and Management faced a challenge in teams: to predict the electricity production of the island of Tenerife using historical data from the business. A challenge that they had to solve in three hours!

The three teams that achieved the best prediction results received a diploma and will be able to present their data models and the process they carried out to Endesa's management team.

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