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Antonio Allende SJ, new rector of Comillas Pontifical University

Arturo Sosa, General of the Society of Jesus and Grand Chancellor of the University, has signed his appointment

A portrait of a smiling middle-aged man with glasses, wearing a blue sweater over a blue shirt against a light gray background.

5 July 2024

After receiving confirmation from the Dicastery for Culture and Education, the Grand Chancellor of Comillas Pontifical University, Reverend Father Arturo Sosa, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, has appointed Father Antonio Allende Felgueroso as the new rector of the university.

Antonio Allende Felgueroso obtained his Doctorate in English Philology at the University of Salamanca and his Licentiate in Theology at JSTB Berkeley (California). His teaching experience at university level has been at the University of San Francisco (USA) and, in recent years, at the Faculty of Theology of Comillas Pontifical University. He has extensive experience in the governance and management of various apostolic works of the Society of Jesus. From 2015 to the present, he has been the Delegate for Education of the Spanish Province.

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