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Art and vulnerability

Professor Bert Daelemans, SJ gave this course at the School of Art and Theology of the Theological Faculty of Southern Italy (Naples)

An advertisement for an art course titled 'APPROCCIO ALL'ARTE DALL'ESTETICA TEOLOGICA: Vedere Dio attraverso la bellezza', featuring a split portrait of two faces and text detailing the course schedule and speakers.

Full programme

22 October 2024

Last Thursday, 17 October 2024, Professor Bert Daelemans, SJ gave a course entitled "Vedere Dio nella vulnerabilità: un percorso artistico" (Seeing God in vulnerability: an artistic journey), as part of the Course Programme "Approccio all'arte dalla estética teologica: vedere Dio attraverso la bellezza" (Approaching art from theological aesthetics: seeing God through beauty), of the Scuola di Alta Formazione di Arte e Teologia (Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell'Itlaia Meridionale Sezione San Luigi).

Professor Bert Daelemans holds a PhD in Theology from the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology and is a recognised expert in contemporary religious architecture and mystagogy of liturgical space. His publications include Vulnerability in Art. A Spiritual Journey (PPC 2021) and Spiritus Loci. A Theological Method for Contemporary Church Architecture (Brill 2015).

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