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"Even if we are not changing jobs, our work changes"

Ángel Saénz de Cenzano, alumni and Country Manager of LinkedIn Spain and Portugal, protagonist of a new "Breakfast with CEO"


Ángel Saénz de Cenzano, alumni and general manager of LinkedIn Spain and Portugal

6 March 2024

The Country Manager of LinkedIn Spain and Portugal, Ángel Saénz de Cenzano, starred in a new "Breakfast with CEO", organised by the Chair for Smart Industry at the School of Engineering (Comillas ICAI).

During his speech, the former student of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management (E-2), briefly reviewed his time at Comillas and reflected on the current job market. "Today's students will go through between twelve and fourteen professional experiences during their lives, a considerable change when it comes to previous generations," he pointed out. "Even if we don't change jobs, our work changes, and it changes significantly," he said.

Saénz de Cenzano acknowledged that the main problem a company may face today is "not taking on change and evolution". "It is one thing to preserve a series of values and another to not want to accept the cultural changes that we are facing," he said. Finally, he referred to internal mobility: "It is one of the great realities of the present. It is necessary to train and encourage internal promotion so as not to depend on the continuous search for talent outside the company.

The rector of Comillas Pontifical University, Enrique Sanz, SJ, and the leader of CIC Research, Álvaro López López, were in charge of introducing the guest, who was accompanied by members of the university's governing team and other CEOs of the patron companies of the chair.

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