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Bioethics and vulnerability. Deliberating on life from a more humane paradigm

Carolina Montero, PhD, Alumni of the Faculty of Theology and winner of the Centessimus Annus pro Pontifice award, publishes in the collection 'Bioética Básica Comillas'

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The book has been published by Editorial San Pablo in collaboration with Comillas

16 February 2024

The joint collection of Comillas and Editorial San Pablo, 'Bioética Básica Comillas', publishes a new book entitled Bioethics and vulnerabilityDeliberating on life from a more human paradigm (San Pablo-Comillas 2024, ISBN: 9788428570312) by the Alumni of the Faculty of Theology, Carolina Montero, PhD.

Carolina Montero Orphanopoulos is a former student of the Faculty of Theology, where she obtained a Master's Degree in Bioethics, a Bachelor's Degree in Moral Theology and a Doctorate in Theology, with her Thesis directed by Prof. Javier de la Torre, PhD. She has also been awarded the International Economy and Society Prize of the Centessimus Annus pro Pontifice Foundation of the Holy See.

The following is a summary of the book:

This book addresses vulnerability from the point of view of bioethics. At a time when we have been left without a common ethical framework to guide us on how to live with a fuller humanity, vulnerability is seen as the axis of a possible new formulation of Christian bioethics, of a more humane bioethics. At the personal level, we are vulnerable in love, in hospitality, and also to our own emotions. As socio-political beings, we are vulnerable to exploitation, manipulation and the violation of our rights; and we are also vulnerable to the sometimes devastating impact of nature and the devastation we cause with technology. Yet, as this essay explains, it is this very vulnerability that brings us together and enables the construction of common social projects.

The book can be purchased from Editorial San Pablo, by clicking here.

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