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Celebrating Christmas to the rhythm of gospel music

The Christmas celebrations began at Comillas with a concert in which students from the university's Creative Voices Workshop took part


18 December 2023

The Comillas Creative Voices Choir and the Madrid Choir School offered a gospel concert in the university's Aula Magna to celebrate the arrival of Christmas. The concert, open to the entire university community and alumni, was the highlight of the morning of Saturday, December 16, which began with a Christmas decoration workshop for families of employees.

Led by their teacher, Amos Obasohan, students from the Creative Voices Workshop and other members of the university community performed a repertoire of Christmas carols and other seasonal pieces. They were accompanied by a small band made up of musicians from the Escuela Coral de Madrid. As the Rector of Comillas, Enrique Sanz, SJ, recalled, "music helps us get closer to God".

After the performance of the first song, Jesus, what a wonderful child, the Rector presented the prizes to the winners of the Christmas card competition: Martina Ortiz Delgado, a student of the Degree in Engineering in Telecommunication Technologies; Manuel Martín Baeza, in the category from 3 to 10 years of age; and María Montano, in the category from 11 to 17 years of age. In addition, the winning teams of Operación Kilo, the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences and Comillas Alumni, also received special recognition for being the departments or services that collected the most food.

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