
Chair of Energy and Poverty


The Chair is the result of collaboration between companies in the energy sector and social agents. It is constituted as a privileged forum from which to give coherence to studies, legislative proposals, training and dissemination actions that contribute to the mitigation of energy poverty.

Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza

The Chair is the result of collaboration between companies in the energy sector and social agents. It is constituted as a privileged forum from which to give coherence to studies, legislative proposals, training and dissemination actions that contribute to the mitigation of energy poverty.

Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza
Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza

Mission and objectives

The main studies carried out for Spain coincide in finding a minimum of 8-9% of households (more than 6 million people) suffering from energy poverty, which in a first approximation can be defined as the inability of a household to meet the cost of its basic energy needs. The Chair in Energy and Poverty aims to make a substantial contribution to the solution of this serious reality based on the long history of research work on the great social challenges of our country carried out at Comillas Pontifical University.

Thus, the Comillas Pontifical University, with the collaboration of a group of companies from the energy sector and social agents, has created the Chair in Energy and Poverty, making it a privileged environment from which to give coherence to studies, legislative proposals, training and dissemination actions that contribute to the mitigation and ideally the eradication of this problem in our country.

Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza
Cátedra de Energía y Pobreza

From the Chair in Energy and Poverty we want to make a substantial contribution to the search for and implementation of solutions to the problem of poverty and specifically in its energy-related facet. To this end, we focus our action in two specific directions: (1) to carry out interdisciplinary research focused on reality and (2) to serve as a meeting point to facilitate contact between entities and people involved in the fight against energy poverty.

We understandinterdisciplinary research, not only as the sum of research in the different areas that from our University contribute their approach to the solution of poverty in the field of energy (engineering, social work, law, business) but as a real crossroads of knowledge that allows a vision beyond the approaches of each discipline. A crucial element in this way of working is to combine a general to particular approach with an approach based on direct contact with the problem of energy poverty.

With regard to the vocation of being a meeting point, Comillas Pontifical University wants to put its privileged position as a university entity that emphasises service to society at the service of action against energy poverty, and to become a forum for reflection, research and dissemination of results with the participation of researchers from the University and external agents from the academic, business, welfare or social world and public administrations, for the analysis and monitoring of energy poverty, mainly in Spain, but also in the European context.

Efraim Centeno Hernáez
Efraim Centeno Hernáez
Director of the Chair in Energy and Poverty (Comillas ICAI)

We work towards the mitigation and ideally the eradication of energy poverty in our country.


Latest news

A person holding a light bulb with soil in their hands, symbolizing eco-friendly energy concepts.
Energía y Pobreza
1 July 2024
63% of people assisted by the Red Cross cannot maintain the comfort of their home in summer

These are data from a study carried out by the Chair in Energy and Poverty, which indicates that 70% of households do not benefit from social bonds

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Energía y Pobreza
23 February 2023
Energy poverty at the centre of the debate

The Chair in Energy and Poverty analysed the impact on vulnerable consumers

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Lines of research

hombre revisando documentos
hombre revisando documentos


The Chair in Energy and Poverty is a university centre with a vocation to make a contribution to society through its meeting and research activities. This contribution is based on the strictest respect for the plurality of opinions of its researchers and professors.

hombre revisando documentos
hombre revisando documentos

Upcoming events.


  • fundacion_naturgy.jpeg
  • Imágenes web (16).png

Other sponsors

  • edp

Collaborating entities

  • ACA
  • ADT Cuarto mundo
  • Cáritas
  • Cruz Roja
  • EAPN
  • Ecodes
  • Energía sin fronteras
  • Fundación Tomillo


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