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CIHS promotes the development of the humanities in the digital and technological sphere

CIHS is part of the Clúster en Humanidades Digitales y Tecnológicas del Español in the Community of Madrid, a platform that promotes research and innovation projects in these areas

Aerial view of a bustling cityscape featuring historic European-style buildings under a clear blue sky.

18 June 2024

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Comillas CIHS) is part of the Clúster en Humanidades Digitales y Tecnológicas del Español in the Community of Madrid, a platform that promotes research and innovation projects in these areas. In addition, thanks to this initiative, the different stakeholders are able to create a common learning and development ecosystem.

Comillas is pleased to be participating in two projects that are being developed within this cluster.

Plain Language Project

Firstly, Mª Luisa Romana García, Head of Studies for the Degree in Translation and Interpreting and International Communication, and Mª Dolores Rodríguez Melchor, Vice-Dean for Quality and Innovation, are part of the Clear Language Project. This initiative aims to develop a clear language application for the socio-sanitary sector.

Digitisation of Heritage

On the other hand, Henar Pizarro Lorente, director of the Master in Integral Heritage: Culture, Identity, Innovation and head of studies of the Degree in Philosophy, the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (FIPE) and the Degree in Philosophy and FIPE, participates in the Heritage digitisation project. This project seeks to "build a hybrid ecosystem (physical and digital), with a technological base, that allows the heritage of the Community of Madrid to be contextualised, made known and valued in an attractive, rigorous and sustainable way".

Undoubtedly, two initiatives that are committed to the development of the humanities in today's digital environment and that promote new ways of working in these disciplines.

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