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Theological commentary on the documents of the Second Vatican Council: Volume II

Published a new volume, edited by Rafael Vázquez, of the BAC project coordinated by the late Professor of Theology, Santiago Madrigal

A priest smiling in a room with religious paintings and books about the Vatican Council II on the shelf.

Rafael Vázquez, editor of the new volume

8 July 2024

Comentario teológico a los documentos del Concilio Vaticano II is the project of the Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos coordinated by the late Professor of the Faculty of Theology at Comillas, Santiago Madrigal Terrazas, SJ, on an updated deepening of the conciliar documents.

This project consists of five volumes, of which the first two have seen the light of day. The first volume was edited by Santiago Madrigal, SJ, and dealt with the ecclesiological keys. It was presented on 17 May 2023 and featured Cardinal Juan José Omella and Rafael Vázquez, among others.

Now, the second volume is published, dedicated to ecumenism, religious freedom and interreligious dialogue, through the commentaries on Unitatis redintegratio, by Rafael Vázquez, Dignitatis humanae, by Gerardo del Pozo, and Nostra aetate, by Rafael Vázquez. This new volume has been edited by Rafael Vázquez Jiménez, a priest of the Diocese of Málaga and current director of the secretariat of the Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith and of the Episcopal Subcommission for Interconfessional Relations and Interreligious Dialogue. It will be presented shortly.

The work Comentario teológico a los documentos del Concilio Vaticano II, vol. II (BAC 2024, ISBN: 978-84-220-2343-2) can be obtained by clicking here.

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