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Comillas hosts the University Table Tennis Championship in Madrid

More than 80 players played an exciting tournament until the last set


13 March 2024

On March 8th the Madrid University Table Tennis Championship was held in our gymnasium at Alberto Aguilera, 23. An edition with more than 80 players registered and with the collaboration of the Madrid Table Tennis Federation, the Community of Madrid and the support of several sponsors.

A hard-fought competition that won Gonzalo Herranz, from the Carlos III University, in the men's draw and Lucía Haifang, from Comillas, in the women's draw. On the other hand, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid won the first place in the team competition. Our Vice Rector for Alumni and Students, Belén Urosa, was able to enjoy the exciting finals and was in charge of giving the prizes to the winners.

The men's draw:

Gonzalo HerranzUniversidad Carlos III
Saul HernánRey Juan Carlos
Alejandro GarcíaUniversidad Complutense
Gonzalo ZaballosUniversidad Complutense

The women's draw:

Lucía HaifangComillas Pontifical University
Sara GómezUniversidad Autónoma
Celia RodríguezComillas Pontifical University
Irina ArgüellesUniversidad Politécnica

The team classification was as follows:

Universidad Politécnica
Rey Juan Carlos
Universidad Complutense

Congratulations to the winners and to all the participants for making us enjoy such an intense tournament!

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