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Comillas hosts the School Debate Tournaments in foreign languages in the Region of Madrid

More than 120 teams from different schools and colleges in Madrid competed in the three categories, English, German and French

A group of people, mostly young adults, sitting and standing in a classroom setting.

18 June 2024

On 6 June, the final of the Tournoi de Débat 2024 was held, the end of the three foreign language debate tournaments organised every year by the Subdirección General de Bilingüismo, part of the Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Universidades of the Community of Madrid

Gallery of 3 photographs

The English Debating Tournament has been running for more than a decade and has once again broken the record number of participants, with 92 teams from more than 70 schools taking part. Twenty-two teams took part in French and ten more in German. In total, more than 400 debates were held in the classrooms of the Faculty of Law, with the participation of more than 450 students from the fourth year of ESO and the first year of baccalaureate and more than 90 teachers.

The Director of the CID-ICADE, lecturer Antonio Alonso Timón, pointed out that he can think of "few better activities than this for investing public money" and the Deputy Director of Bilingualism, Ángel Huerga, wanted to emphasise the commitment of the Community of Madrid to debate, argumentation and logic. He also wanted to express his gratitude to lecturer Francisco Valiente, the technical director of this project, as well as to the twenty students from Comillas who acted as judges for the competition. Valiente wanted to point out the evolution of these projects, which grow each year, not only in terms of participants, but also in the quality of the debates and the preparation shown by the debaters.

The topics to be discussed focused on highly topical issues: whether "generation z" will live worse than their parents, whether eSports are beneficial in education or whether patents on green technologies should be abolished. Congratulations to all, in particular to the winners, who were IES Cardenal Cisneros, Colegio Everest and Colegio San Luis de los Franceses!

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