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Comillas, BBVA and NTT DATA launch the master's degree in financial technologies, payments and digital banking

It is the first master's degree in Spain to offer the necessary knowledge to transform and lead the payment and digital banking industry

Close-up view of a computer monitor displaying financial graphs and stock market data.

2 July 2024

Comillas Pontifical University, together with BBVA and the technology consultancy NTT DATA, have presented the first Master's Degree in Spain in Financial Technologies, Payments and Digital Banking. This master's degree offers specialised, practical and advanced training in financial technologies with the aim of equipping future professionals with the necessary knowledge to transform and lead the payment and digital banking industry.

Taught on-site at Comillas ICAI by lecturers with extensive professional experience from Comillas ICAI and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Comillas ICADE), as well as from the different specialised departments of both companies, the master's degree, a pioneer in Spain, with an annual duration and 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), will begin next September. The training is completed with paid internships with collaborating companies, including BBVA and NTT DATA, where students will be able to develop a real project for the application of financial technologies (big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning) that will constitute the final project of the master's degree.

"The Master's Degree in Financial Technologies, Payments and Digital Banking is the perfect fusion between the academic excellence of Comillas ICAI and the technologies that will make it possible to tackle the current and future financial models that are transforming this sector at vertiginous speed", says Cristóbal Cantos, coordinator of the Master's Degree at Comillas ICAI. Based on Comillas ICAI's extensive experience in the practical approach to teaching, "the students' work will be oriented towards real projects and close collaboration with professionals in the financial sector, including internships as a key part of their training. Our challenge is to produce graduates who are better prepared to face the technological challenges and demands of one of the most rapidly changing sectors," adds Cantos.

The deadline to apply for admission to the master's degree is 26 August and can be done through Comillas Pontifical University's website. Spots are limited.

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