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Comillas participates in the National University Sports Conference

An event where key issues in the promotion of sport and wellbeing at university level were discussed

Grupo de personas posando en un evento en un salón con emblemas y una pancarta de CEU.

14 November 2024

Comillas took part in the National Conference on University Sport, a meeting where fundamental issues on the promotion of sport in universities were discussed. During the event, different initiatives were presented, such as the Sports Observatory of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the candidacy of Granada to organise the EUSA 2030 and the sponsorship programmes for women's sports. In addition, the Paralympic athlete Sara Martínez shared her experience as a silver medallist in the long jump at the Paralympic Games in Paris.

A highlight of the conference was the presentation of the Spanish University Championships 2025, which will be held in Madrid. A tournament, organised by 13 universities, including Comillas. It should also be noted that the university will be responsible for holding the Spanish University Chess Championship, which will be held in April 2025.

The event also included the Plenary Session of the Spanish University Sports Committee, which was attended by the President of the Higher Sports Council, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, who presented the report of the Spanish University Championships and the results of the European (EUSA) and World University Championships (FISU).

Without a doubt, this meeting was a clear reflection of the commitment of Comillas to the promotion and integration of sport in university life.

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