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Comillas attends the IAJU Annual International Education Conference in Japan

Representatives of the university travelled to the Japanese capital to participate in the congress and strengthen ties with educational institutions in the country


5 March 2025

A delegation from Comillas Pontifical University travelled to Japan to attend the IAJU International Education Conference, which this year was entitled "Global Horizons: Challenges and Opportunities for the Internationalisation of Jesuit Higher Education". The Vice Rector for Strategy, Internationalisation and Academic Planning, Elisa Aracil, the Director of the International Relations Service, Arturo Varona, the Service's Manager of Global Initiatives, Arancha Castellanos, and the former Rector of the University of Deusto and current lecturer at Comillas, Jose María Guibert SJ, travelled to Tokyo for the meeting.

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In addition to actively following the meeting, in which aspects such as education for global citizenship and social justice were debated, the representatives of Comillas presented two projects: the creation of the Loyola Global University, a hub for Jesuit universities in Madrid, specifically in the area of Madrid Nuevo Norte, and a guide of good practices within the UNIJES Network.

Part of the objective was to continue strengthening the internationalisation of Comillas and to consolidate a possible collaboration with universities in the country. For this reason, the agenda of the trip included visits and meetings to exchange experiences and learn first-hand about their educational models with representatives from Doshisha University in Kyoto, Komazawa University in Tokyo and Waseda University in Shinjuku, as well as Hitotsubashi University Kunitachi Campus, Kyorin University and Hosei University.

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