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Comillas reaffirms its cultural commitment at the 83rd Madrid Book Fair

Comillas Pontifical University Publications has concluded its participation in the 83rd edition of the Madrid Book Fair, reaffirming its commitment to the promotion of culture and knowledge, despite the adverse weather conditions that have affected sales

Pedro Castelao es entrevistado en la 83 Feria del Libro de Madrid en la Caseta de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Pedro Castelao is interviewed at the 83rd Madrid Book Fair at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas stand.

19 June 2024

During the 17 days of the Fair, the Comillas stand became a meeting point for numerous students, alumni, University colleagues and visitors in general. We were pleased to attend to all of them and introduce them to the Publications catalogue through different promotional material, which included reading points, fans, notebooks and pens, among others.

Gallery of 3 photographs

Belén Recio Godoy, Director of the Comillas Publications Service, commented: "Despite the fact that sales did not reach the figures of previous editions, mainly due to the bad weather, we are very satisfied with the very active participation of our university community in their visits to the stand. The visibility and impact on social networks has been significant, and this is something we value enormously".

From the publishing house, we would like to thank all those who have contributed to making this edition a memorable experience. We especially thank the authors, teachers, students and staff who have been part of this event.

We bid farewell to the 83rd Madrid Book Fair with the hope of returning next year and continuing to share our passion for reading and knowledge. We look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Our authors

Signing their works

A highlight of this edition was the organisation of four book-signing events by authors who have published with us.

These authors had the opportunity to be interviewed on the social media and YouTube channels of the Unión de Editoriales Universitarias Españolas (UNE). Below is a list of these interviews, available for consultation:

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