Comillas Solidaria
You can contribute to transforming the world through your profession. At Comillas Solidaria we offer you the chance to volunteer in social projects linked to your academic studies.
You can contribute to transforming the world through your profession. At Comillas Solidaria we offer you the chance to volunteer in social projects linked to your academic studies.
Mission and objectives
The projects in which you can put your talents and skills into play are many and varied: contributing to financial education and household budget management for people at a social disadvantage, finding solutions to problems of energy poverty, providing legal assistance or planned listening to migrants, collaborating in the social integration of refugees or teaching Spanish to foreigners, among many other possibilities. These are our University Volunteering projects, in which you can put your training at the service of building a better world and, at the same time, develop knowledge, skills and professional competences. Every year dozens of students from different degrees participate in these projects. Would you like to be one of them?
We also offer you other volunteering opportunities, with children, the elderly or people with disabilities... and international volunteering in summer, in a wide range of destinations in Spain, Europe, Latin America and Africa.
We do not train the best in the world, we train the best for the world.
What do we do?
We also organise spaces for reflection and awareness-raising on how to put our training at the service of a better world. In this section of the website you have detailed information about all these offers. Will you join the change?
Several of the activities we offer are organised together with the University of Deusto (Bilbao and San Sebastián), Loyola University Andalusia (Seville and Córdoba), Ramon Llull University or one of its centres, particularly Esade (Barcelona). Our summer programme is joined by Portuguese, Italian, Slovakian and Brazilian partners.
The full name of Comillas Solidaria is the Solidarity and Development Cooperation Unit. Its function emanates directly from one of the fundamental principles of the Institutional Declaration of our university: "that the professionals who are trained in it continually listen to the call to be men and women for others".
The aim of Comillas Solidaria is to contribute to the awareness of the university community with the multidimensional problems of local and global society, promoting their participation in the construction of a fairer world.
The team
To Comillas Solidaria
To register, you must identify yourself as a student or staff member using your email address and password on the intranet. Once identified you will see your personal data, you must choose the module you wish to receive information. After completing the registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.
All communications concerning Comillas Solidaria will be sent to the corporate e-mail address. If you have any queries, you can contact us at:
You can always unsubscribe very easily if you no longer wish to receive information.
Recognition of credits
The regulations resulting from the Bologna process contemplate the possibility of recognition in the form of credits for social volunteering activities, among others. Comillas Solidaria recognises credits for participation in all the activities it proposes to students, including training activities, and assigns them the credits to be recognised by default.
We also recognise credits for social volunteering activities carried out with other organisations, provided that the following requirements are met:
- That they can be qualified as volunteering (which excludes, for example, paid activities or professional internships).
- That the volunteering can be qualified as social volunteering (which excludes, for example, activities whose only component is sports, leisure and free time, pastoral work, etc., even if the activity carried out is purely voluntary).
- That they have been carried out during a period in which the student applying for the credits was enrolled at the university.
- That the positive performance in the volunteer activities and the number of hours dedicated to it are accredited in a reliable manner, with a document issued by the entity with which the student has collaborated. Comillas grants one credit for every 30 hours of volunteer activity, with a maximum of 6 per academic year.
Rules for the recognition of credits
Find detailed information on the conditions for accrediting your social commitment.
Models and templates
We attach two models that may be useful for you to prepare your reports, either for having developed training activities or for having participated in a social volunteering project. In any case, feel free to prepare it with another scheme if you think it helps you more.
Awareness-raising and social mobilisation
We want the university to be an opportunity for participation and mobilisation for a fairer society. Comillas Solidaria proposes spaces in which we can build a university community committed to social and environmental justice. Be part of it!
University volunteering
The open proposal for university volunteering at Comillas Solidaria, on campus or in the field. Our university aims to train excellent professionals, but we are convinced that there is no excellence without commitment to society. We are looking for men and women who want to take advantage of the opportunities generated by interacting with others and experiencing others. Connect with projects, people and organisations.
University volunteering in summer (VUELA Programme)
Summer is a great time for intensive volunteering activities. You may not have much free time during the academic year, or you may want to develop new commitments, or you may want to take advantage of the long holiday months to do more than just enjoy leisure activities. We offer you intensive projects linked to your academic studies, with students from other European universities, in different destinations and learning from institutions with great experience in social intervention.
We want to give you a prize
The universities of Deusto, Comillas and Ramon Llull have a clear interest in encouraging their students to learn about social problems and to commit themselves to solving them. One of the ways to do this is to deepen their analysis and knowledge of these problems in a rigorous way and to explore possible solutions, or to launch initiatives in our own universities that contribute to building a fairer and more humane society. Apply for the Aristos Campus Mundus Awards for Social Responsibility. If you have developed an academic work with this orientation, including TFG and TFM, or if you have a solidarity proposal in mind or underway in your university... we want to give you a prize.
Latest news
Thanks to this agreement, the university community will have the opportunity to keep helping people in vulnerable situations
The international solidarity programme, promoted by six universities, has experienced unprecedented growth. With double the number of registrations compared to 2024, it has made 35 projects available to students in 11 different countries
Both entities sign a framework agreement to facilitate university access for people with disabilities
Our headquarters
Phone: 917343950
Alberto Aguilera
Phone: 915422800
Phone: 915422800
San Rafael
Phone: 915641868
Comillas Solidaria
The charity gala of Comillas is an event that brings together the community to raise funds for social causes.
Comillas Solidaria
The charity gala of Comillas is an event that brings together the community to raise funds for social causes.
Comillas Comunidad
Comillas Comunidad is the meeting point between students and Alumni from all degrees and centres, where we promote all extracurricular activities with the aim of enriching your comprehensive training, promoting your talent, abilities and interests.
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