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Comillas and CaixaBank AM promote the Sustainable Finance Observatory to foster the transition to a more sustainable society

The Observatory, which has lecturers and researchers with great experience, aims to research and disseminate aspects related to sustainable investment


Mariano Ventosa, Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching Staff at Comillas (left), and Juan Pedro Bernal, General Manager of CaixaBank AM

1 March 2024

To facilitate a deeper understanding of the financial risks and opportunities involved in the transition to a more sustainable society, Comillas Pontifical University, through the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, and the CaixaBank Group's investment fund manager, CaixaBank Asset Management, have renewed their collaboration in the CaixaBank AM Sustainable Finance Observatory. Its goal is to research and disseminate aspects related to sustainable investment.

Made up of a group of lecturers and researchers of recognised experience, the observatory will serve as a meeting point for institutional investors, asset managers, students and researchers for the development and advancement of sustainable finance. "The asset management industry must deploy strategies that can meet the challenges posed by the fight against climate change and the 2030 Agenda," says Elisa Aracil, director of the Observatory.

Mariano Ventosa, Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching Staff at Comillas Pontifical University, says that "our objective is to create knowledge and carry out research in areas related to sustainable finance, and to propose solutions to the problems that Spanish society and business face in this area".

For Javier Márquez, Vice-Dean for Institutional Relations and Research at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Comillas ICADE), the Observatory, in addition to carrying out dissemination and training activities on challenges associated with sustainability in the framework of finance, "will serve as a meeting point for professionals, companies and institutions to debate, based on academic rigour, on the challenges posed by the finance-sustainability binomial from a multi-sectorial and inclusive perspective". In addition, "we will contribute to making the university's mission of transforming the world a reality, improving the work of organisations through the talent we bring to it," said Márquez.

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