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Constanza Nieto receives DIRSE's best new professional of the year award

Our student from the Higher Program in Management and Measurement of Social Impact was recognised for her sustainable commitment


29 April 2024

DIRSE, the Asociación Española de Directivos de Sostenibilidad (ASG), has awarded Constanza Nieto, a student of the Higher Program in Management and Measurement of Social Impact, with the prize for the best new professional of the year in the field of sustainability.

As the winner pointed out, "we are in a very exciting time of transformation and paradigm shift". Climate change and the environmental footprint, especially in the business world, is more latent than ever.

Therefore, key issues such as communication as a fundamental pillar of sustainability, the role of SMEs in meeting ESG targets and the role of society in the future of sustainability were put on the table at this meeting.

Congratulations to Constanza for her daily work and continuous effort! We are proud to have people like you at Comillas.

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