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Validations and transfers

Information on file transfers and other validation services.

Transfer files to another University

Any student at Comillas Pontifical University who wishes to continue studies begun here at another Spanish university must apply to the Academic Management and Degrees Service (General Secretary's Office) to transfer their files to the host university.

To do so, the following documents must be submitted to this service or sent by e-mail to registrogeneral@comillas.edu (indicating in the subject of the e-mail the student's password and the degree to which he/she belongs and attaching a scanned copy of his/her ID/Passport):

  • Original certificate of admission to the host university.

  • Document accrediting the student's identity.

  • Proof of payment of fees at the Cashier's Office of our University. For the academic year 2022/2023 the current price is 28,50 €.

The resolution of the transfer of the student's files will simultaneously lead to the cancellation of the student's registration at this University.

Access request

Students admitted to Comillas Pontifical University may apply for the recognition of credits taken at this or another university.

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Recognition of Credits