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Covadonga Lopez-Belmon wins the Spanish University Equestrian Championship

The student from Comillas overcame a very demanding course to win first place in the jumping modality


9 April 2024

The Camilo José Cela University hosted the Spanish University Equestrian Championship. A very demanding competition that in the second round left five participants with the possibility of reaching the exciting final.

With a formidable ride and stopping the timer in 40.24 seconds, our student of the Dual Degree in Business Administration and Management and Business Analysis/Business Analytics (ADE + E-2 + Analytics), Covadonga López-Belmon, won. Together with her horse, "Diablesse D'Or", she beat her rivals' time and won the gold medal.

After her victory, Covadonga expressed her feelings. "I am very happy because the mare jumped phenomenal. We only had five riders in the tiebreaker and I tried to do my best, because there were already two zeros. As I was lucky enough to start last, I knew I had to beat her time and I managed to do it," she said.

Her determination, technique and speed were decisive to win first place. Congratulations on the gold medal!

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