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Creativity: a shared goal

Comillas hosted the 4th edition of Juntos Construimos Comillas

A group of people standing closely, linking arms around each other in a tented area.

17 June 2024

A large part of the university community at Comillas gathered once again on the Cantoblanco campus to celebrate the 4th edition of "Juntos construimos Comillas", a meeting designed to promote creativity, teamwork and, above all, collaboration among all the employees of the university. Under the title "Unleash your creativity", the day began with the Vice-Rector for Organisation and Digital Transformation, José María Ortíz, followed by a talk by Jesús Hijas, an expert in marketing and artificial intelligence, in which he spoke about generative AI and how to use it creatively to find innovative solutions.

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This was followed by a teambuilding activity led by the Musical Thinkers group, in which music, dance and creativity were combined. The participants, guided by the experts from Musical Thinkers, worked together to create an original song and choreography, inspired by the values and identity of Comillas. Colleagues from different departments collaborated, sharing ideas and, above all, having fun. The result was a very enriching experience in which laughter and camaraderie were the main characters.

The day, which undoubtedly achieved its objective of strengthening ties between employees and reminding us of the importance of creativity and innovation in our working environment, concluded with the now traditional Summer Cup in the Cantoblanco cafeteria with the attendance of a large representation of the university community. The Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations and General Secretary, Federico de Montalvo, was in charge of the institutional greeting on behalf of the Rector.

Comillas Contigo
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