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What are the main challenges for canon law today?

Comillas hosted the XLIII Conference on Canonical Current Affairs of the Asociación Española de Canonistas


8 April 2024

As has been customary for more than 40 years, Comillas Pontifical University hosted the XLIII Conference on Canonical Current Affairs of the Asociación Española de Canonistas, which addressed the changes and adjustments necessary for canon law to adapt to the current needs of the Church.

The Dean of the Faculties of Canon Law and Theology (Comillas CIHS), Francisco Ramírez, SJ, was in charge of inaugurating the event. During his speech, the dean referred to the 120th anniversary of the Faculty of Canon Law. "Since its creation in 1904, we have been able to offer a serious and rigorous study of canon law and a permanent commitment to research, teaching, praxis and advice at all levels of the Church," he said.

The dean was accompanied at the table by the auxiliary bishop of Toledo and former student of the faculty, Francisco César García Magán. During his speech, García Magán recalled that the aim of the conference is not only training but also "communication". For her part, the lecturer of the Faculty of Canon Law at Comillas, president of the association and organiser of the conference, Carmen Peña, was present telematically.

After three intense days, the closing conference was given by the Apostolic Administrator of Huesca and Jaca, and Archbishop Emeritus of Zaragoza, Vicente Jiménez Zamora, who addressed the "Challenges of Synodality".

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Derecho Canónico
8 April 2024
What are the main challenges for canon law today?

Comillas hosted the XLIII Conference on Canonical Current Affairs of the Asociación Española de Canonistas

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