
Student Withdrawal Request

If you wish to withdraw as a student, you may do so by submitting a written request to the Dean of the Faculty or the Director of the Centre.

Ordenador portátil

Cancellation Request

Complete and sign the student withdrawal form.


Cancellation Request

Complete and sign the student withdrawal form.


Submit the Documentation

Submit the following documents to the Degree Certificates and Transcripts Service, or email us to  registrogeneral@comillas.edu. Please include your degree program in the subject line:  

  • Completed and signed withdrawal form. 
  • A copy of your identity document. 


You will receive confirmation of your student withdrawal via your institutional email address.

  • Ordenador portátil

    Cancellation Request

    Complete and sign the student withdrawal form.


    Cancellation Request

    Complete and sign the student withdrawal form.

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    Submit the Documentation

    Submit the following documents to the Degree Certificates and Transcripts Service, or email us to  registrogeneral@comillas.edu. Please include your degree program in the subject line:  

    • Completed and signed withdrawal form. 
    • A copy of your identity document. 
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    You will receive confirmation of your student withdrawal via your institutional email address.

Related Regulations:

Article 89.3 of the General Regulations, dated February 2021.