Open calls for registrations from 21/10/24 to 31/08/25

Bachelor's Degree in Physical Therapy

Learn the systems of the profession in the 21st century with the most advanced and innovative technology.

alumna fisioterapia haciendo practicas

What is the Degree in Physical Therapy?

Studying the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Therapy is to opt for a Health Sciences degree that is recognised and in demand by society.

In addition to external clinical internships, the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Therapy provides practical content in small groups at the facilities of the Centre for Interprofessional Simulation and Research in Health Sciences (CSIICS) and the San Rafael Simulated Hospital

You will receive specific training from lecturers linked to the professional world. Excellent specialists in their subjects bring together the clinical and academic worlds, providing students with a real and up-to-date vision of the health needs of the population and the most appropriate tools to maintain or recover it.

  • Centers
    Enfermería y Fisioterapia “San Juan de Dios”
  • Languages
  • Certification
    Official Bachelor's degrees
  • Modality
    Face to face
  • Duration
    4 years (240 ECTS)
  • Starts On
  • Seats

Any questions?

If you need more information you can fill in the following form and you will receive information about this program.

Come and get to know us closely and discover all the academic offer and the university experience that awaits you.

We look forward to meeting you!

Open days

student trainee at the nursing school

Why the School?

The "San Juan de Dios" University School of Nursing and Physical Therapy has been offering studies in Nursing for more than 55 years, and for more than 25 years in Physiotherapy, which has allowed it to consolidate an education of recognised prestige that integrates scientific and technical advances in its methodology with the humanisation of care as a sign of its identity. It joined Comillas Pontifical University in 1988.

student trainee at the nursing school
  • Registration

    1,755.30 €
  • Monthly

    754.08 €
  • During

    9 months
  • Total

    8,542.02 €

Study Plan


The Bachelor's Degree in Physical Therapy is studied over a four-year cycle, with a total of 240 ECTS (60 per year).

The Bachelor's Degree is part of the field of knowledge of Health Sciences.

The Curriculum developed over the four years includes:

  • Basic training subjects on the human body, how it operates, its malfunctions, interpersonal relationships, and other aspects, all of them necessary in order to enable the subsequent acquisition of those competencies characteristic of Physical Therapy (60 ECTS).
  • Specific subjects providing theoretical and practical training, approaching knowledge needs and competencies expected according to the professional profile of a Physical Therapist (126 ECTS).
  • Optional subjects, which make it possible to look further at specialized professional fields, according to the student's interests (6 ECTS).
  • Practice placements in laboratories and demonstrations rooms during the four years, and
  • Supervised practice placements with Physical Therapists at health care centers working within different professional fields (42 ECTS) which is equivalent to 1,200 face-to-face hours, to be chosen between over 30 different public, state-subsidized or private centers with 50 places.
  • A Bachelor's (Degree) Dissertation, which covers all of the general and specific skills acquired during the course for professional practice (6 ECTS credits).

As an added value, the following two University private degrees have been designed:

Curriculum 2023

The data speaks for itself...



Rate of employment for University graduates



Percentage of students of the degree who carry out internships



Percentage of alumni of the university who would recommend studying for the degree



Hours of clinical internships



Number of collaborating institutions for professional internships



Small groups for internships in laboratories and simulation classrooms, 25 students per group

logotipo comillas en bronce

What sets us apart?

Our admission process is rigorous, we want the best students and the best people. That's why we offer quality studies, degrees, postgraduate courses, doctorates and specific courses that will equip you with the professional skills you need to succeed in the labour market and society.

Campus online: all of our students have an e-learning tool. When you are a student here, you will discover what it is!
Services: get to know everything that the university has to offer.

Where to find us

University School of Nursing and Physiotherapy "San Juan de Dios".


Avda San Juan de Dios, 1 28350 - Madrid.


Cercanías RENFE: C-3 direction Aranjuez
Highway Autovía del Sur A-4 Exit 29
M-404 Ciempozuelos Highway
Buses: Lines 410, 426

Campus San Rafael (Madrid)


Paseo de la Habana, 70 bis - 28036 (Madrid)


Metro: Santiago Bernabeu, Nuevos Ministerios, Colombia, Concha Espina.

Renfe Cercanías: Nuevos Ministerios

Bus lines: 14, 27, 40, 43, 51, 120, 126, 147, 150

Campus Bormujos (Sevilla)


Avda. San Juan de Dios s/n CP 41930, Bormujos (Sevilla).



International mobility programs allow students to study for a period of time at a foreign university, either in the European Union, through the Erasmus+ Program, or at universities in other countries with which Comillas has signed a Bilateral Agreement.


Useful resources

Download all the useful information related to your degree.

Work Placements

We prepare you for your future and introduce you to the real world with comprehensive work experience training.

Adela Garcia
Adela García

With this degree you can be what you have always wanted to be

Professional projection

This official Bachelor´s Degree enables graduates to exercise in the regulated profession of Physiotherapist according to current regulations.

  • Physical therapist in public and private health institutions

  • Physical therapist in sports centres and clubs

  • Physical therapist in specialized institutions in geriatrics, paediatrics, neurology, urogynaecology...

  • Physical therapist in occupational health and prevention services

  • Freelance physical therapist and autonomos prectice of the profession

  • Instructor and researcher



Find out what students who have passed through our classrooms have to say and see what their experience has been like!

Roberto Gonzalez

Enfermería y Fisioterapia “San Juan de Dios”

Roberto González

Alumno Fisioterapia

Formación extensa y de calidad que dota al alumno del razonamiento clínico necesario para ejercer la profesión con éxito.
Maria Miguel

Enfermería y Fisioterapia “San Juan de Dios”

María Miguel

Alumna Fisioterapia

Las numerosas horas de prácticas y la formación académica me han ofrecido las herramientas necesarias para un abordaje íntegro de los pacientes.
Eduardo Corcuera

Enfermería y Fisioterapia “San Juan de Dios”

Eduardo Corcuera

Alumno Fisioterapia

Un buen fisioterapeuta no trata a la enfermedad, sino a la persona que la padece.

Admission and Scholarships

Follow all the steps of our admission process and become a Comillas student.


Apply for admission

Fill in the form with your details and indicate the programs you are interested in.



The General Registry Office will review the documentation and you will be informed of the validation.


Admission tests

Candidates will sit the written admission tests.


Communication of admission

We will let you know if you have been admitted and in which course. You will only have to confirm that you want to be part of Comillas.


Formalisation of enrolment

You will officially be a Comillas student and you will have access to your private online area.

  • 01

    Apply for admission

    Fill in the form with your details and indicate the programs you are interested in.

  • 02


    The General Registry Office will review the documentation and you will be informed of the validation.

  • 03

    Admission tests

    Candidates will sit the written admission tests.

  • 04

    Communication of admission

    We will let you know if you have been admitted and in which course. You will only have to confirm that you want to be part of Comillas.

  • 05

    Formalisation of enrolment

    You will officially be a Comillas student and you will have access to your private online area.

Students working together

Grants and financial aid

Follow all the steps and become a student of Comillas

Comillas is firmly committed to supporting students with the ability and merit to study and limited economic resources, and as a result of this effort, each academic year the university invests a large number of resources in scholarships and study grants. This effort is made through its own funds and contributions from the Comillas-ICAI University Foundation, but also thanks to the contribution of important foundations, entities and individuals.

Students working together

Information for students

Information and requirements

  • Entry Profile

The recommended entry profile for the Degree in Physiotherapy is that of a person who has a clear inclination towards service to society and is interested in acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities that will enable them to deal with the complex responses of human beings to the different processes of health and illness, and to attend to the individual, the family and the community in different socio-cultural contexts in order to contribute to their well-being and improve their quality of life.

The future student must identify with the values of respect and understanding towards people, as well as showing a strong motivation towards social commitment and helping others.

For all these reasons, our educational project includes not only the necessary scientific and technical level, but also the essential training to promote a greater humanisation of health care.

  • Requirements and Documentation

In order to begin your studies, it is an essential condition to prove that you meet the legal requirements for access to the University.

Information note on the documentation to be submitted

Teaching Staff

The professors at "San Juan de Dios" School of Nursing and physical therapy represent a wide range of expertise and are recognised as leading practitioners and academics in their fields.

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Quality and regulations


  • We are pioneers in bringing to universities what the market demands, in training professionals and staff so that from both aspects, between all of us, we can improve our society. Tradition and quality endorse us.

  • Participate in Information Sessions and Conferences, although it is not essential, it will help candidates to learn more about the programs, know the study plans and consult doubts.

    Apply for admission and once validated you will be able to take the admission tests and when you are notified of the result you will be able to formalise your enrolment.

  • Yes, there are different scholarships available depending on the faculty and degree programs, but all of them are aimed at supporting students and their families in the payment of monthly fees. In general, grants are between 40% and 75%, although in exceptional situations they can reach higher percentages. Comillas students can also access different public grants such as the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training Scholarship or the Excellence Scholarship of the Community of Madrid. In collaboration with some colleges and university residences, Comillas also develops a scholarship program for accommodation in Madrid, aimed at those students who need to travel from other places.