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Discover ComillaZ: the podcast where Generation Z takes the floor

Comillas Pontifical University opens a new space for dialogue on Comillas Cast


18 April 2024

Comillas Cast, Comillas Pontifical University's podcast platform, continues to expand its content and premieres "ComillaZ", a programme designed by and for Generation Z (those born between the mid-1990s and 2010). Emma Alías and Livia Espinosa, journalist and translator from the University's Communication and Institutional Relations Service, will host this space and invite students and lecturers to talk about topics that resonate with this generation.

In the first episode, we dive into the fascinating world of centennial slang, with Carmen Álvarez de Sotomayor, student of the Dual Degree in Translation and Interpreting and Global Communication at Comillas; and Angelo Valastro, philosopher and lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Comillas CIHS. This first chapter opens a window onto the linguistic peculiarity of centennials.

"ComillaZ" arises in the heart of a diverse institution, such as Comillas Pontifical University, in which a multiplicity of profiles and generations coexist. The main objective of this new content is twofold: on the one hand, it aims to build bridges between students and the university and, on the other, it aims to bring those who make the institution work every day closer to the daily experiences of its students.

Join us for the first episode of "ComillaZ" and join the conversation here.

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Generation Z speaks out

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