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Dialogue to advance Christian theological and ethical education

Santiago García Mourelo, coordinator of Theological Extension at Comillas, met with María de los Ángeles Errázuriz and Elena Mouat, from Duoc UC (Catholic University of Chile)

Tres personas sonriendo en un pasillo con paredes decoradas con azulejos azules.

Professor Santiago García Mourelo, on the right

29 November 2024

Last Thursday, 12 November 2024, a meeting was held between the coordination of the Theological Extension and Christian Social Thought of the Faculty of Theology and the Area of Ethics and Christian Formation of Duoc UC (University Department of Workers and Farmers of the Catholic University of Chile), the largest technical education institution in Chile with 70,937 students.

The meeting, requested by this Institution, had the purpose of knowing the development, the structuring, the coordination, as well as the challenges and opportunities of the teaching of the Theological Extension in the different degrees of the Comillas Pontifical University.

On behalf of Douc UC, María de los Ángeles Errázuriz and Elena Mouat Riera, in charge of this area, and Santiago García Mourelo, coordinator of Theological Extension, attended the meeting. The meeting was enlightening and both participants highly valued the solidity of the Comillas Pontifical University's proposal, its cultural courage and academic consistency in this field, and were open to future institutional collaborations.

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