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Two alumni honoured at the ACM Social Responsibility Awards 2023

The Universidad Ramon Lull hosted the awards ceremony, which focused on the high quality and rigour of the works and projects presented

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19 March 2024

The Buenas Prácticas en Cooperación Universitaria para el Desarrollo Awards; the Ignacio Ellacuría de Estudios de Interés Social Award and the Buenas Prácticas al Compromiso Social Universitario Award are some of the awards presented at the Aristos Campus Mundus (ACM) Awards for Social Responsibility held at the Universidad Ramon Llul.

In this edition, 10 awards were presented, two of which were received by alumni of Comillas. Carmen Devesa was awarded first place in the Ignacio Ellacuría de Estudios de Interés Social Award, for her work: "Comunidades energéticas como respuesta al problema de la pobreza energética". Beatriz Pérez Cobo received an honourable mention in the same category, thanks to her project: "Infancia y adolescencia inmigrante no acompañada: integración y protección desde los centros de menores".

The ACM Awards are part of the ACM Campus of International Excellence project, in which Deusto, the Universidad Ramon Llull and Comillas participate. The main objective of these awards is to publicise and highlight the work of students who contribute to research and knowledge transfer in the field of University Cooperation for Development.

Comillas Alumni
Comillas Solidaria
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