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The 2024-2025 academic year is here!

More than 3,000 students inaugurate the academic year at Comillas in a Welcome Week full of new faces

People placing sticky notes on a wall at a festive event with balloons and a 'Welcome' sign.

6 September 2024

A total of 3,335 new students took their first steps through the halls of Comillas during the different days of our Welcome Week. The students had the opportunity to get to know their new home a little more closely.

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Starting with a presentation of the university with our vice-rectors, directors of services, deans, and heads of studies, the new students learned about the study plans, proposals offered by the university and more. They also took the opportunity to ask the experts any questions they had about this new stage in their studies.

Afterwards, the students, together with their tutors, went to their respective classrooms for a more personalised meeting with each grade. To end the day, and so that they could obtain all the necessary information about the initiatives at Comillas, the students toured the services fair. Here they discovered all the clubs, programmes and activities available within Comillas Comunidad, the library, the Alumni service, etc.

Welcome to Comillas, welcome to your next stage! 

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