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IUEM participates in the SafeHabitus project

Europe needs a clear strategy on the issue of migrant and seasonal farm workers.

Imagen Safe Habitus (002).png

10 April 2024

Policy makers and stakeholders working on labour and migrant issues met at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in the framework of the SafeHabitus project, to address policies affecting the lives of migrant and seasonal workers on European farms.

Yoan Molinero and Juan Castillo, researchers at the University Institute for Migration Studies (IUEM) at Comillas University, called for changes in the current approach towards migrant workers: "Migrant agricultural work and labour exploitation are too often synonymous in European agriculture. It is time to change this."

Peter Schmidt, President of the EESC's Section for Sustainable Development (NAT), stressed the importance of initiating dialogue on this issue: "Seasonal and migrant workers are often overlooked in agri-food chains. Moving towards sustainable food systems means ensuring fair prices for all involved. This seminar is a crucial step towards meaningful policy proposals".

The policy seminar was part of a series of seminars designed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between policy makers, stakeholders, practitioners and researchers. It was organised by SafeHabitus consortium members IAMZ CIHEAM, TEAGASC, GEOPA, CEJA and AEIDL.

Read more about the conference.

The video of the session here

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