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The Apostolic Nuncio visited Comillas to talk about the 2030 Agenda and ethical finance

Julius Baer and CFA Society Spain organised the conference by Monsignor Bernardito Auza

Five men standing in front of a presentation screen displaying financial information for the year 2023.

7 June 2024

Comillas Pontifical University hosted the lecture by the Apostolic Nuncio to Spain, Monsignor Bernardito Auza, on the 2030 Agenda and ethical finance, organised by Julius Baer in collaboration with CFA Society Spain. The director for Economic Affairs and Business Relations at Comillas and former president of CFA Society Spain, Enrique Marazuela, was in charge of welcoming and introducing the speaker.

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During his speech, Marazuela recalled that finance "allows us to build the future, a future that has to be ethical. It is important that these ethics are imbued with the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church", he acknowledged.

The apostolic nuncio reviewed some of the milestones of the 2030 Agenda to address three fundamental and interconnected aspects: the agenda itself, the Church's doctrine and ethical finance. "We are facing a complex issue. The 2030 Agenda was announced as the UN's most important and ambitious project to date. Never before has there been a similar agreement among so many leaders from around the world," he noted.

"The main objective of the 2030 Agenda must be to leave no one behind," he confirmed. The nuncio stressed that this is a goal shared by the Church, especially with regard to the eradication of poverty and hunger, education, environmental challenges, and the promotion of peace. The nuncio referred to some documents to know the nuances regarding the Church's position in relation to the UN proposal, with special emphasis on Pope Francis' address to the General Assembly on 25 September 2015, in which he states that "the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development should be read as an important sign of hope".

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