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The role of Japan and Spain in the new geopolitical scenario

Comillas ICADE received Takahiro Nakamae, Japanese Ambassador to Spain, in a colloquium that analysed the relationship between the two countries in the current context

Tres ponentes están presentando en una conferencia titulada 'Japón y España en el contexto global' ante una audiencia en un auditorio.

21 January 2025

The Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE) received Takahiro Nakamae, Ambassador of Japan to Spain, in a colloquium that dealt with the relationship between the two countries in the current context. Antonio Allende, SJ, Rector of the university, welcomed the speaker, highlighting his professional experience and his links with the Society of Jesus. "Japan plays an absolutely fundamental role in the international concert, both because it is the third largest economy in the world and because of its weight in decision-making due to its strategic location and ability to lead," Allende said.

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Alberto Priego, professor at the Faculty of Law, then introduced the audience to the ambassador's career. "He is a complete diplomat in the sense of his exercise of the diplomatic function. He has been to Latin America as Minister Counsellor, to places such as Argentina and Brazil. He has been in more pleasant and less pleasant embassies, but more interesting ones, such as the embassy in Iraq after the American invasion. He has also held very important positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," Priego commented.

Takahiro Nakamae, for his part, gave a lecture in which he addressed the challenges and opportunities facing Japan and Spain in the current geopolitical context. During his speech, the ambassador pointed out the importance of understanding the interconnection between the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions, which, although they may seem distant, share an invisible but essential relationship. In this regard, he highlighted the crucial role of economic security, an issue that is no longer the exclusive domain of economists but has become a determining factor in the global diplomatic and political arena.

The ambassador also analysed the current global context, pointing out that "the world is going through a moment of historical inflection after three decades of post-Cold War optimism". "Russia's invasion of Ukraine," he explained, "has marked a turning point in the international order, challenging expectations of stability based on globalisation and free trade.

Without a doubt, a lecture that helped the audience to better understand the geopolitical dynamics that affect both Japan and Spain in an ever-changing world.

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