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The Rector of Comillas, recognised by the Colegio Mayor San Pablo

Enrique Sanz, SJ, has been appointed Colegial Mayor Dilecto of the centre

Rector Comillas premio paulino

23 February 2024

The Colegio Mayor San Pablo has distinguished the Rector of Comillas, Enrique Sanz Giménez-Rico, SJ as a Distinguished Senior Scholar, in recognition of his contribution to the university and values of the students at the centre, in a ceremony in which Fernando Benzo Sáinz received the Paulino 2023 Award, as a former collegiate for his cultural contribution to Spanish society.

Andrés Contreras Salido, president of the Foro Mayor San Pablo; José Carlos García de Quevedo, Paulino del Año Award 2019; Marcelino Oreja Arburúa, Paulino del Año Award 2022; Rosa Visiedo Claverol, rector of the CEU San Pablo and Alfonso Bullón de Mendoza, president of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, also took part in the ceremony.

As Marcelino Oreja, ICAI and DBA alumni, explained in his presentation, the distinction to Sanz has been made "in his capacity as Rector of Comillas Pontifical University, who for decades has contributed to university education and the transmission of values to the students of the school and in personal recognition of his extensive intellectual work and extraordinary university policy and management".

The rector articulated his speech around the values shared by those from Comillas and the CEU San Pablo: integral, human and Christian formation. "The Ledesma-Kolvenbach paradigm consists of four metacompetences: utilitas, humanitas, iustitia, fides. The four are an inseparable and indissoluble whole that should guide and orient the university work of teachers in order to achieve adequate learning for their students. The four express, in terminology closer to the Society of Jesus, the Pauline value par excellence: the integral, human and Christian formation of our students," he said.

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