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The witness of theologians, who help to better understand the faith

Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero. PhD, has participated in the VIII Annual Course on Catechesis organised by the Episcopal Delegation of Catechesis of the Archdiocese of Madrid, with this lecture

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Prof. Fernández Cordero, PhD, during her lecture

29 February 2024

Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero, PhD, from the Faculty of Theology, has given, on 22 February 2024, the 10th Session of the VIII Annual Course of Catechesis organised by the Episcopal Delegation of Catechesis of the Archdiocese of Madrid.

Directed by the Episcopal Delegate of Catechesis, Manuel María Bru Alonso, this VIII Course is dedicated to the theme: Witness in catechesis and in the catechist. In the second part of the course, the lectures develop a paragraph from the Directory for Catechesis which states that, when catechesis transmits the mystery of Christ, its message echoes the faith of the whole people of God throughout history: the faith of the apostles, the martyrs, the saints, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the missionaries, theologians and pastors (cf. DC 176).

In this context, the lecture entrusted to María Jesús Fernández Cordero was entitled The testimony of theologians, who help to better understand the faith. The Professor unravelled this phrase with references to the encyclical Lumen fidei of Pope Francis, to testimonies of outstanding theologians of the 20th century and to the thought of Bruno Forte on theology as companionship, memory and prophecy, with some final reflections on the theology of going forth in a synodal Church.

María Jesús Fernández Cordero, Professor of the Faculty of Theology, holds a PhD in Geography and History, is Director of the Department of Sacred Scripture and Church History and an expert, among other disciplines, in spirituality and history.

Her lecture is available in open access:

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