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International Meeting of Educators

Javier Cía participated as a speaker at the International Meeting of Educators of the Daughters of Jesus (Jesuitinas)

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Javier Cía, SJ on the left

7 June 2024

Professor Javier Cía Blasco, SJ participated in the International Meeting of Educators organised by the Daughters of Jesus (Jesuitines) which took place online on 26 and 27 April 2024.

Javier Cía was part of the Comillas team coordinated by Professor Vicente Hernández Franco, from the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, and which also included Elisa María Pérez Avellán, a secondary school teacher and pre-doctoral researcher, and Oscar Fuentes, SJ, a lecturer on the Master's course in Ignatian Pedagogy.

The team participated online in the international meeting from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Cantoblanco campus) organising the morning of 26 April. Javier Cía gave a talk entitled: "The school that prepares to serve. The educator of Ignatian spirituality looks at the world as God looks at it and loves it (Contemplation of the Incarnation, Spiritual Exercises, 101-109)". Vicente Hernández participated with the paper "The vocation as an educator" and animated a group dynamic. Elisa María Pérez Avellán gave a paper entitled "La cura personalis in a school that prepares to serve".

The session was followed online by participants from all over the world who are part of the educational mission of the Daughters of Jesus.

The motivation for the meeting read: "The meeting is not only an invitation; it is a call to action for all educators committed to the Ideology of the Daughters of Jesus. Being part of this event means weaving together in the fabric of the Proper Way of Educating, exploring the riches of the Global Education Pact (GEP) and discovering how our schools can be agents of change in a world that needs us".

The chronicle and videos of the presentations are available in open access by clicking here.


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