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Strategies for the protection of children and teenagers from Internet abuse

The Chair in Children's Rights and fapmi-ECPAT Spain organised a day dedicated to the analysis of good practices for the prevention of this problem

Un hombre gesticula mientras habla en un panel de discusión sobre la prevención de la explotación sexual infantil, acompañado de otros participantes.

15 November 2024

The Chair in Children's Rights at the Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE), in collaboration with fapmi-ECPAT Spain, organised an international seminar on the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. Under the title "Sexual Exploitation in the Digital Age: Challenges and Strategies for the online protection of children and adolescents", experts from various fields addressed a problem that is growing every year, focusing on the analysis of good practices and experiences that allow for a comprehensive and more effective approach to the problem.

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The Dean of the Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE), Abel Veiga, was in charge of opening the event, pointing out that this type of event reflects the true meaning of the university. "This is a social reality that affects us all. In an increasingly unstructured society, when values and education are lacking, it is important for the university to be a beacon and host initiatives such as the one we are dealing with today", he noted.

For her part, Carme Tello, president of fapmi-ECPAT Spain, said that the difficulty of controlling the Internet has generated a big business for pornography and prostitution, and a breeding ground for the development of violence against minors. "When children have low self-esteem and insecure emotional ties, it is more difficult for them to establish affective relationships. If we add to this a lack of assertiveness, peer pressure and media bombardment, children are easy prey to situations in which their safety can be compromised. So we have to keep working to protect them," he said.

Among the speakers at the seminar was Gregorio López, professor at Comillas ICAI and coordinator of the Rayuela Project, a European initiative led by Comillas that aims to prevent cyber-bullying and cyber-abuse through gamification.

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