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Ethics, humanisation and hospitality

Professors from the Faculty of Theology participate as speakers at the 1st San Juan de Dios Spain Bioethics Congress

Three professionals sitting at a panel discussion table during a conference on bioethics, with a presentation slide visible in the background.

Professors Julio Martínez and Carmen Massé, during their speeches

7 October 2024

From 1 to 3 October 2024, the 1st San Juan de Dios Spain Bioethics Congress was held in Madrid under the title "Ethics, Humanisation and Hospitality".

On behalf of the Faculty of Theology at Comillas Pontifical University, four professors participated in this Congress as speakers at various events. Professor Carmen Massé moderated the round table "Axiological plurality and civic coexistence in the health and social world", in which Professor Julio Martínez, SJ, also participated. In addition, Professor Jaime Tatay, SJ was a speaker on the panel "The bioethics of environmental injustice: ethical, legal and clinical implications of unhealthy environments: contributions from Hospitality". Professor Rafael Amo moderated the round table "Ethical, legal and social considerations for the use of artificial intelligence in research and therapy". Finally, Professor José Manuel Aparicio was an expert on migrations in the round table "Autonomy and vulnerability in Mental Health, Disability, Homelessness, Migrations".

Carmen Massé, PhD in Theology and member of the Scientific Committee of the Congress, affirms:

To collaborate with the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God in thinking and doing Bioethics is to realise the meaning for which this discipline was born: to be a bridge. This Bioethics Congress has been a clear example of this, building bridges between the bio-health sciences and the humanities, between our generation and the generations to come, between institutions of the Society of Jesus and the Order of St. John of God, between Theology and the reality experienced by so many professionals who care for people in vulnerable situations.

It is a privilege to be able to be part of this networking that Pope Francis demands of us so much and that Father General Arturo Sosa also reminded us of recently at the inauguration of this academic year. Bioethics thought academically takes on its full meaning if it reaches those who every day are faced with complex situations in the care of the most vulnerable people.

The full press release can be read here.

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