
On our admissions

Studying at Comillas means committing to a personalised and comprehensive education in a critical and demanding, professional and international environment. We strive for excellence in the academic and personal spheres, and to train the most qualified professionals who are, at the same time, people with profound human qualities.

teacher in class

Mission and objective

Our degrees are leading references in the Spanish academic field. At our Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Comillas CIHS), you will have the opportunity to take degrees and dual degrees backed by our solid academic prestige: Criminology and Social Work; Early Childhood Education and Primary Education; Philosophy; Philosophy, Politics and Economics; Psychology; Psychology and Business Administration and Management [ADE]; Psychology and Criminology; International Relations and Global Communication; Social Work; Translation and Interpreting and Language Technologies. Our faculty has pioneered the introduction of many of these degrees in our country; and several of them are offered as dual degrees in different academic combinations.

Our students are defined by both very high academic achievement and integral personal development. This is achieved thanks to a proven selection process, teaching in small groups, based on close attention to the student, and a careful and constant tutorial accompaniment.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is located on the Cantoblanco campus of Comillas Pontifical University. Our students carry out their daily activities in a modern campus with large green areas and sports facilities just 20 minutes from the centre of Madrid. Cantoblanco has an advanced library, multimedia classrooms, a state-of-the-art videoconferencing room, interpreting internships, a language laboratory and a recording studio, as well as services such as a bookshop and reprographics, a cafeteria and a restaurant.

teacher in class

Grants and financial aid

The University, as an institution of the Catholic Church at the service of society, offers scholarships and grants in various forms to its students, in order to contribute to the cost of education and to promote equal opportunities according to the individual needs of each student.

international students

International Network

The graduates of the future need an international experience, both educationally and socially. Our students have the exciting opportunity to carry out part of their studies at renowned foreign universities, assuring them that Comillas' academic and comprehensive training will be strengthened and consolidated.

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Start the admission process
pupil in the garden

Internships and careers

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers its undergraduate and postgraduate students a wide range of internship opportunities both nationally and internationally. In addition, we provide support in your transition to the labour market through internship and employment programmes, as well as in your professional development through our Career, Internship and Employment Guidance Service (OPE Service).

pupil in the garden

Latest news

Un panel de discusión sobre la seguridad en España con un público asistente.
3 March 2025
A debate: Spain's security and defence challenges

The Department of International Relations of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Comillas CIHS) organised the first conference dedicated to the topic

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Grupo de siete personas posando en una sala con banderas y un cartel informativo.
16 January 2025
Students of the Official Master's Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education will be able to opt for the title of International Baccalaureate (IB) teacher.

This recognition will also facilitate their employment in schools where the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is implemented

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Cuatro mujeres sonriendo, de pie en una sala con banderas de España y la Unión Europea.
16 January 2025
Global-ANSWER: a European response to improve social policies

It is a European project in which the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Comillas CIHS) participates as a partner

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Upcoming events

susanne margret cadera cihs.png
Susanne Margret Cadera, Dean
We are a pluralistic, diverse and international faculty

In our faculty, we are characterised by being a plural, diverse and international space, where each individual brings his or her uniqueness.

Management team

Who we are


Our departments

Philosophy and Humanities


Education, Research Methods and Evaluation

Translation and Interpreting and Multilingual Communication

International Relations

Sociology and Social Work

Magazines and publications


This quarterly publication, founded in 1965, is dedicated to education-related topics. Each of our issues of the magazine specialises in a different educational trend, providing the reader with a multidisciplinary information base.

Useful resources

Here are the calendars, timetables and exams.


Our Clinical Psychology Unit (UNINPSI) is one of the most important centres in psychotherapy and clinical psychology in Madrid, due to its plurality in intervention, the training of its professionals and its facilities. We provide direct care, as well as training and research.

Sustainable End of Degree Project Award.

The award promotes the recognition of students who have stood out for their good work in the areas of research specialising in Ecology, Environment and Sustainability.

Faculty of Philosophy

Ecclesiastical Faculty of Philosophy

Within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Comillas CIHS) is the Ecclesiastical Faculty of Philosophy, which, in addition to awarding ecclesiastical bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, also awards civil degrees in Philosophy (bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees).

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faculty of humanities and social sciences

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Europe in the new global (in)security scenario

Summer School
on European Affairs