Pioneering faculty in the implementation of dual degrees

Our numbers support us.


CYD Ranking

Leading Faculty of Law


QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023

First place for Spanish universities in terms of reputation among employers




ICADE students who have taken part in exchange programmes during their studies

Playlist Faculty of Law-ICADE

Do you want to know more about the Faculty of Law?

In this playlist you will find more information about all the opportunities offered by both the university and the Faculty of Law during your time here. Testimonials from students and lecturers about the degrees, international opportunities and other interesting topics for your academic, professional and personal growth.

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Abel Veiga Copo
Dean of the Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE)

We train extraordinary professionals and better people oriented towards the greatest service to society.

Management team

Mission and objective

In the field of undergraduate university studies in Spain, the Faculty of Law (ICADE) has been an outstanding reference for more than half a century in the areas of Law and Business Administration and Management, playing a pioneering role in the implementation of dual degree programmes in our country.

In a process of continuous and innovative updating, this offer has been enriched in recent years with the implementation of successful curricula such as the combined dual degree programmes in Law and International Relations and the dual degree in Business Analytics and Law and the new dual degree in Law and Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

In addition to this tradition of excellent university education that characterises ICADE, for more than ten years now we have been offering an excellent range of official Master's degrees, structured around the Master's Degree that qualifies students to practise as Lawyers.

Every year, ICADE graduates more than 500 new Bachelor's and Master's students: extraordinary professionals and better people oriented towards the greatest service to society.

The departments

Department of Common Disciplines

Department of Economic and Social Law

Private Law Department

Public Law Department

Information on admissions

Studying at Comillas ICADE is a commitment to personalised and comprehensive education in a critical and demanding, professional and international environment. We strive for excellence in the academic and personal spheres, and to train the most qualified professionals who are, at the same time, people with profound human qualities.

Information on admissions

Studying at Comillas ICADE is a commitment to personalised and comprehensive education in a critical and demanding, professional and international environment. We strive for excellence in the academic and personal spheres, and to train the most qualified professionals who are, at the same time, people with profound human qualities.

Grants and financial aid

The University, as an institution of the Catholic Church at the service of society, offers scholarships and grants in various forms to its students, in order to contribute to the cost of education and to promote equal opportunities according to the individual needs of each student.



We are the first Spanish and second European university in sending international students and the third in Spain and seventh in Europe in receiving exchange students.

Comillas ICADE offers a wide range of exchange opportunities to its students all over the world. It manages student exchanges at undergraduate and postgraduate level.


Useful resources

Here are the calendars, timetables, exams, tutorials and all the Faculty documentation you need for your studies.

we evolve

We generate and share knowledge.

Comillas ICADE Law School, through the Centre for Innovation in Law (CID-ICADE), offers legal consultancy and legal clinics through the issuing of opinions and reports. It also carries out legal research. Through this service, it provides support and advice based on its excellence.

Research groups

Desarrollo sostenible

Environmental law, public health and sustainable development

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International human rights law, immigration law and asylum law

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Criminal law and criminology

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Intellectual property

Latest news

Una persona está ajustando la temperatura en un termostato digital portátil.
Comillas, Derecho, Económicas
13 January 2025
Award for a doctoral thesis that advocates fighting fuel poverty

The latest edition of the José Ramón de San Pedro Award has recognised the social innovation work in the fight against energy poverty

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Comillas, Derecho, Económicas
13 January 2025
Award for a doctoral thesis that advocates fighting fuel poverty

The latest edition of the José Ramón de San Pedro Award has recognised the social innovation work in the fight against energy poverty

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Cuatro jóvenes profesionales posan con premios en manos frente a un cartel de la Fundación Pro Bono.
19 November 2024
Four students from Comillas receive the first Pro Bono Challenge with a work on reverse mortgages

The report resulting from these efforts will be submitted to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business and to the various market operators

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Dos hombres sentados en una mesa durante un evento académico, discutiendo frente a un micrófono con una pancarta que dice 'España en Europa'.
15 November 2024
Can digitalisation make us more human?

Comillas organises a series of seminars to analyse legal aspects related to Spain in Europe

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Un hombre gesticula mientras habla en un panel de discusión sobre la prevención de la explotación sexual infantil, acompañado de otros participantes.
Derechos Niño
15 November 2024
Strategies for the protection of children and teenagers from Internet abuse

The Chair in Children's Rights and fapmi-ECPAT Spain organised a day dedicated to the analysis of good practices for the prevention of this problem

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Two men in suits sitting at a table signing documents with a red university banner in the background.
4 November 2024
Students from the Universidad Católica Argentina will be able to complete their Law Degree at Comillas

The Argentinian university and the Faculty of Law (Comillas ICADE) have signed an academic collaboration agreement

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A man is presenting in a conference room with an image of a rural landscape projected behind him.
31 October 2024
What are the consequences of landmines in warfare?

Kike Figaredo, SJ, explained his work in Cambodia with landmine victims at a conference organised by CID-ICADE.

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Three professionals, two men and a woman, are seated at a table during a business meeting with a laptop in front of them.
ICADE, Derecho
28 October 2024
Driving sustainable digital transition through new assets

Comillas hosted the Token World Conference 2024, a space where international experts explore the challenges and opportunities of tokenisation for a sustainable digital economy.

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Two men, one elderly and one young, holding a commemorative plate, standing in a room with academic insignias
21 October 2024
Alberto García, world champion of public speaking in Spanish

Our student of the Dual Degree in Law and International Relations (E-5) won the world championship organised by the LEDU Liga Española de Debate Universitario and the Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Universitaria

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Three men participating in a panel discussion at a conference, seated behind a table with microphones and laptops.
26 September 2024
Comillas will strengthen applied research in the field of digital law

The CMS Comillas Digital Transformation Observatory will be a European and global reference in the legal analysis of the social, economic and legal processes of digitalisation

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