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Comillas CIHS

Faculty of Canon Law


"The purpose of the Code is to create such an order in the ecclesial society, that, while assigning the primacy to love, grace and charism, it at the same time renders their organic development easier in the life both of the ecclesial society and of the individuals persons who belong to it".

S. John Paul II, Apostolic Constitution Sacrae disciplinae leges, 25-01-1983.

CIHS Campus

"The purpose of the Code is to create such an order in the ecclesial society, that, while assigning the primacy to love, grace and charism, it at the same time renders their organic development easier in the life both of the ecclesial society and of the individuals persons who belong to it".

S. John Paul II, Apostolic Constitution Sacrae disciplinae leges, 25-01-1983.

Mission and objective

Our centenary faculty (1904), the oldest in Spain, is from the beginning a work entrusted by the Holy See to the Society of Jesus. For more than a century it has trained distinguished canonists, bishops and others from Spain, South America and Africa, who have rendered an important service to the Church.

It has a qualified and motivated teaching staff of 8 lecturers, of whom 4 are tenured, all 8 hold doctorates, 2 have been positively evaluated by independent university quality agencies (ANECA or ACAP) and 1 has three six-year research periods. In addition to providing a qualified service to other faculties and schools, it has the collaboration of lecturers from the Faculty of Theology, for theological subjects, and from the Faculty of Law. Among the lecturers are men and women, religious from various congregations, diocesan priests and lay people.

Mission and objectives faculty of theology

Teaching is not only linked to research, but also to legal practice: judges of the Rota and metropolitan courts, defenders of the bond, advisors to the Spanish Conference of Religious. Our faculty is very active in research and publications.

In the last four years it has published 7 books, 24 chapters in books, 41 articles in indexed journals, 22 articles in non-indexed journals and has presented 49 papers and communications at scientific congresses and conferences. He has also collaborated in various training and dissemination activities in other academic and pastoral centres in Spain.

Our student body is clearly international: candidates for the priesthood, priests, religious and lay people of nationalities from all five continents. It is certainly a very positive experience for formation to meet companions from so many congregations and continents.

As members of the university, the students have access to all its services: psycho-pedagogical orientation, pastoral, cultural and solidarity activities, sports, etc.

Students in class

As members of the university, students have access to all its services: psychopedagogical guidance, pastoral, cultural and solidarity activities, sports, etc.

The university has a library with a large general collection: more than half a million volumes; more than 11,000 journals, including more than 2,500 living ones. In particular, the ancient Canon Law collection can be considered one of the best in Spain. The library staff is highly qualified and its electronic resources are state-of-the-art. Moreover, the entire campus and all the classrooms are equipped with the most modern and advanced technology: Wifi, electronic devices, etc.

As part of the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, during the 2010-2011 academic year we reformed the Canon Law curriculum, adapting it to Bologna, with a first cycle of 120 ECTS and a second cycle of 180 ECTS. A new reform, which seeks to facilitate more practical learning for students, was carried out in the 18-19 academic year in the light of Veritatis Gaudium, and approved by the Dicastery for Catholic Education in Rome at the end of that year.

technology comillas university

We work on competences (learning outcomes) and teaching guides. We have taken a step forward in the implementation of a more active methodology, which also considers practical and attitudinal competences. The tutorial attention, the regular departmental meetings, as well as the evaluation meetings are a valuable instrument for a close monitoring of each student and of the implementation of the Bologna process.

Our Faculty is, in short, a highly qualified place to find an excellent training for priests, seminarians, religious men and women, and lay men and women who are going to dedicate themselves, through Canon Law, to evangelising work in any of its various forms.

Faculty of Theology
Francisco Ramirez (14-9-2017)_07_CIHS.png
Francisco Ramírez Fueyo
Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law (Comillas CIHS)

Our official and own studies enable students to attain a high level of knowledge of the Church's legislation and a remarkable professional legal-canonical specialisation.

Dean team

Miguel Campo Ibáñez

Vice-Dean and Director of the Department of Canon and Ecclesiastical Law of the State.

Internship programme

The new syllabus of the Faculty of Canon Law at Comillas offers various courses on administrative, religious and judicial matrimonial praxis that our students will carry out in a very practical way at the Registry of Religious Entities of the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory, at the Tribunal of La Rota of the Apostolic Nunciature in Spain and at the Spanish Conference of Religious (CONFER), assisted at all times by both their lecturers and tutors from these entities.

The Tribunal of the Rota of the Apostolic Nunciature in Spain

During their internship our students get to know the work of an ecclesiastical tribunal from the inside.

Tribunal of the Rota 

General Subdirectorate for Relations with the Confessions

Our students learn about the internal workings of the public body in charge of relations with religious denominations in Spain, which includes the Registry of Religious Entities

General Subdirectorate  

Spanish Conference of Religious

Our students carry out an internship with the legal advisors of the Spanish Conference of Religious where they are introduced to the world of legal-canonical consultancy.


canon law scholarships
canon law scholarships

Grants and financial aid

The University, as an institution of the Catholic Church that provides its service to society, offers scholarships and aid in various forms to its students, in order to collaborate with the cost of education and to promote equal opportunities according to the individual needs of each student.

With the aim of giving special support to students who come to the university from Latin America, Africa or other countries, and to those dioceses that need it, Comillas opens the doors of the Pontifical College and Seminary to you.

Information on admissions

Studying at Comillas CIHS is a commitment to personalised and comprehensive education in a critical and demanding, professional and international environment. We strive for excellence in the academic and personal spheres, and to train the most qualified professionals who are, at the same time, people with profound human qualities.

Information on admissions

Studying at Comillas CIHS is a commitment to personalised and comprehensive education in a critical and demanding, professional and international environment. We strive for excellence in the academic and personal spheres, and to train the most qualified professionals who are, at the same time, people with profound human qualities.

Useful resources

Check all the relevant information about the Faculty of Canon Law, from the strategic plan to the calendars or tutorials.

Latest news

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Derecho Canónico
8 April 2024
What are the main challenges for canon law today?

Comillas hosted the XLIII Conference on Canonical Current Affairs of the Asociación Española de Canonistas

Leer más


In the last four years, our faculty has published 7 books, 24 chapters in books, 41 articles in indexed journals, 22 articles in non-indexed journals and has presented 49 papers and communications at scientific congresses and conferences.

Prepared by our lecturers, pupils and students

Blog of canonical current affairs

Some interesting videos

Canonical legal system and new pastoral challenges

Research group