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End of year in Theology: wisdom and fraternity

Students of the first year of the Bachelor's Degree in Theology in morning mode, together with their teachers, celebrated the end of the course

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Students of the 1st Baccalaureate in Theology (morning programme) together with teachers

5 June 2024

Once the exams were over, on 21 May, the students of the first year of the Bachelor's Degree in Theology in the morning class shared a few moments of conviviality in the gardens of the Comillas Cantoblanco campus, with an agape included.

The course delegate, Marius Beni Baki, said: "We thank God for all that we have learned during this course and for the fraternity that is growing stronger and stronger among our classmates. The course is over, but we are looking forward to the summer, to recharge our batteries and to study again, this time with more knowledge than yesterday".

The Bachelor's Degree in Theology in the morning face-to-face mode is one of the three modes that the Faculty of Theology at Comillas offers. You can also find out more about the evening face -to-face mode (TUP) and the distance mode of the Bachelor's Degree in Theology, a canonical degree awarded by the Holy See that the Spanish State recognises as a Degree in Theology.

All the latest news from the Faculty of Theology can be found on the website, in the monthly newsletter and on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

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