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Fintech, how are they transforming banking?

The Master's Degree in Financial Technologies: Payments and Digital Banking organises the "Comillas Fintech" series together with BBVA, NTT DATA


Antonio Macias Vecino, Head of Payments Discipline at BBVA, was the guest speaker at the 1st session of the "Comillas Fintech" cycle organised by BBVA, NTT DATA and Comillas Pontifical University, within the framework of the Master's Degree in Financial Technologies: Payments and Digital Banking at the School of Engineering (Comillas ICAI).

Under the 'Overview of financial technologies and their evolution', the speaker addressed an updated view of how technology is evolving in the financial sector and the need for knowledge and specialisation in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data analysis and the development of new payment technologies, driven by digitisation in fields such as mobile banking, digital payments and cryptocurrencies.

The following sessions will address issues such as the future of AI in the financial sector, the algorithm and its impact on markets, blockchain and cryptocurrencies in the financial system according to different specialists.

The Master's Degree in Financial Technologies: Payments and Digital Banking, as a degree of the School of Engineering (ICAI), comes in response to the exponential growth that the Fintech industry is experiencing due to the adoption of disruptive technologies and the demand for customised products, and addresses the digitisation of the financial sector and offers critical skills in the application of certain technologies (AI, blockchain, big data, algorithmic trading, ...) in areas of banking business such as mobile banking and digital payments.

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