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Henri de Lubac: "Theologies of occasion".

Prof. Samuel Sueiro, PhD, is in charge of publishing the preliminary study on Henri de Lubac and his work that now sees the light of day in Spanish

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The book can be purchased from the BAC web site

11 February 2024

Samuel Sueiro, PhD, Professor of the Faculty of Theology, participates in the publication of Henri de Lubac's texts in Spanish, entitled Teologías de ocasión, through his preliminary study. The complete work is published by Editorial Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos (BAC 2023, ISBN: 9788422023203).

Professor Samuel Sueiro Expósito, from the Department of Dogmatic and Fundamental Theology, is a PhD in Theology and a recognised expert on Henri de Lubac.

The following is a summary of this work:

This book brings together texts "of theological intent. However, they do not come from an organic teaching that relates to some central point of dogma or its history, nor from a prolonged research on a particular subject; nor have I thought to be able to write without irreverence, in the singular, this noble word theology. And whether it is the history of exegesis, political theology, spiritual life or comparative religions, it was all occasional, both in the banal sense that I had to take up a request in view of a congress or a collective work, and also - here is the real meaning - because a given situation, whose problem could be serious, seemed to invite me to intervene in some debate.

There are readers whose daring curiosity also loves comfort: they want the fragments to be put together. Some have not ceased until I have acquiesced to their desire. The complicity of a daring editor did the rest. So here are some of these fragments. They span fifty years [...], perhaps they will help to recall moments in our religious history of which so many momentous events, so many collapses, so many novelties or so many massive transformations now risk becoming incomprehensible or falling into oblivion" (Henri de Lubac, Preface).

Original title: Théologies d'occasion, translated by Juan Carlos Mateos, preliminary study by Samuel Sueiro, CMF. Book published in co-publication with the Fundación Maior.

The work can be purchased from the Editorial BAC website, by clicking here.

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