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Identity, mission and values


Comillas is a pluralistic religious university based on excellence, innovation and comprehensive education.

We train qualified professionals with high employability prospects and capable of having a positive impact on society. We are a pluralistic university community, inspired by the principles of Christian humanism, whose mission is to educate people to become competent, ethical professionals committed to social transformation.


Comillas is a pluralistic religious university based on excellence, innovation and comprehensive education.

We train qualified professionals with high employability prospects and capable of having a positive impact on society. We are a pluralistic university community, inspired by the principles of Christian humanism, whose mission is to educate people to become competent, ethical professionals committed to social transformation.

University as mission

Comillas assumes the definition of University of the "Magna Charta Universitatum", signed in Bologna in 1988: "... an academic community that, in a rigorous and critical way, contributes to the protection and development of human dignity and cultural heritage through research, teaching and the various services offered to local, national and international communities".

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A university that contributes

Faced with the growing atomisation of knowledge, increasingly dispersed in new branches of science and specialisations, Comillas aspires to: a systematic approach to reality in all its complexity; interdisciplinary methodology in research and the practical exercise of teaching, and in the approach and search for solutions to the problems of man and society.

Through Research

We encourage the growing and shared cultivation of research in all the specialities offered, as the basis and progress of all knowledge transmitted and of all responses from the University to the problems posed.

Because without research we cannot speak of a University.

Comillas University Research Laboratory

Through Teaching

We promote the teaching of the three existing cycles in university education and the complementary and permanent training given in Institutes and Specialisation Courses.

Through Adaptation to the Professional Environment

We promote the progressive transformation of degrees and programmes to the needs and professional demands of Spanish society, adapting them to employment prospects so that they can contribute effectively to society with a good professional preparation.

Teamwork Comillas University

Our values, our identity

We want to make the world a better place, and we want you to be the main character

Values are precisely that which man holds dear, for which he is willing to sacrifice. They bring meaning to existence. They convince the mind, affect the heart, guide action. No human education can afford to do without one or other of these values.

They promote the transformation of the world and encourage dialogue and the relationship between faith, culture and science.

"We are people, we have to be people"

We would like each person to achieve an integral education in the university environment: education not only of the mind, but also of the will, of human, ethical and aesthetic sensitivity; education in the capacity for reflection and responsibility; in short, that Comillas contributes to the establishment and fullness of one's own development. In short, we would like Comillas to contribute to the establishment and fulfilment of one's own development.

Values are precisely what man holds dear, for which he is willing to sacrifice himself. They bring meaning to existence. They convince the mind, affect the heart, guide action.

Comillas will select and promote, within its own character but always in freedom, the personal and social values that it understands as fundamental in a society, especially when it is fragmented and unjust: mutual respect, interpersonal dialogue, responsible freedom, search for justice and peace, quantified professionalism, availability, service to others, solidarity with those most in need, balanced and permanent critical sense.

Life at Comillas University

You don't come to study, you come to Comillas.

You don't come to study, you come to Comillas.

We are a Catholic university

Comillas is a University established by the Holy See, the management of which has been entrusted to the Society of Jesus. This reality is essential to our mission and gives it a specific profile.

Humans, the centre of the world. Jesus Christ, the centre of humans

There can be no university education that can be comprehensive and that can lay the foundations for authentic values, if it is not presided over by a specific conception of human. Comillas assumes, with all its consequences, the Christian conception. That is to say: we adopt the Gospel in all its dimensions, together with the insertion in the Church as a basic community.

Christian answers to fundamental questions

What is the meaning of human life, of one's own life? Faced with these questions, the University offers a Christian response based on the message of Jesus of Nazareth. Comillas tries to achieve such high objectives through theological and philosophical sciences.

In an area of freedom

Comillas makes this proposal, but does not impose it. Because it assumes religious freedom and respects it inside and outside the University, and because the Catholic confessionality of the University is rooted in the freedom of faith. It will always cultivate authentic human freedom in depth.


It brings unavoidable enriching nuances.

The search for truth aspires to arrive at the sum Truth of God. This search must be at the heart of teaching and research, not to deform science but to find the necessary point of convergence of science and faith in Truth. Hence, among other achievements and resources, the commitment to a great library, both instrument and symbol of religious and human sciences.

Dialogue between faith and culture must be habitual. They are not unrelated worlds. Their encounter takes place continually within man, who seeks harmony and synthesis in the unity of his own being.
The primacy of human values will be manifested in the selection and focus of the degrees and courses taught.

The professionals trained at Comillas should continually listen to the call to be men and women for others. Beyond the attainment of a degree, the primary focus should be on the promotion of justice and fraternal and effective service to the person, especially to those most in need.

The communitarian dimension of the Church reinforces the transition from a mere academic community to an authentic university community, in which it is desirable that administrators, professors, students and non-teaching staff find special bonds of union in the common dedication to the university task and in the acceptance of evangelical values. Consequently, it must be translated into a particular climate of freedom, mutual respect and esteem, sincere dialogue and conscious co-responsibility.

University autonomy will always be respected, but this autonomy must be combined with an awareness of one's own mission and a real link with the Church.

People make the university more dynamic

In order to be coherent with all the above premises and conclusions, Comillas, in its internal relations, advocates, for students and lecturers and all the people who collaborate in the university, the task of sharing the awareness that working together, sincere collaboration and co-responsibility constitute a duty of solidarity and mutual enrichment.

This awareness is manifested in the highest appreciation of the moral authority born of professional competence and life witness, and in the joint and permanent evaluation of all university work, of the mission itself and of its adaptation to the signs and challenges of the times.

Become a professional

What are you waiting for?

Focus on students Comillas University

Our Students

A permanent demand in the study, but also a sense of responsibility, allow the student to be the main architect of their own training, supported by personalised attention based on direct contact with teachers and personal monitoring. We offer the widest possible openness to all, facilitated by an extensive system of scholarships and personal loans.

A personal attitude of self-transformation in order to be agents of change in society and to create and promote new entrepreneurial, economic and social activities. Any profession must be seen as a service to others and an opportunity to promote justice. Comillas considers an obstacle to this objective to be the exclusive desire to ensure, with admission to the University, a future job in the labour market.

Our Students

A permanent demand in the study, but also a sense of responsibility, allow the student to be the main architect of their own training, supported by personalised attention based on direct contact with teachers and personal monitoring. We offer the widest possible openness to all, facilitated by an extensive system of scholarships and personal loans.

A personal attitude of self-transformation in order to be agents of change in society and to create and promote new entrepreneurial, economic and social activities. Any profession must be seen as a service to others and an opportunity to promote justice. Comillas considers an obstacle to this objective to be the exclusive desire to ensure, with admission to the University, a future job in the labour market.

Focus on students Comillas University

Our Students

A permanent demand in the study, but also a sense of responsibility, allow the student to be the main architect of their own training, supported by personalised attention based on direct contact with teachers and personal monitoring. We offer the widest possible openness to all, facilitated by an extensive system of scholarships and personal loans.

A personal attitude of self-transformation in order to be agents of change in society and to create and promote new entrepreneurial, economic and social activities. Any profession must be seen as a service to others and an opportunity to promote justice. Comillas considers an obstacle to this objective to be the exclusive desire to ensure, with admission to the University, a future job in the labour market.

Last, but not least...

Comillas is in permanent renewal, as it is aware that it has not reached and will not fully reach all the goals of its university mission and wishes to make an express declaration of this intrinsic limitation of any educational institution. At the same time, it affirms its desire for continuous renewal and to always be attentive to the realities, problems and demands of mankind, society and the Church.

Demonstration of non-discrimination

The Comillas Pontifical University, in the fulfilment of its aims and commitments, as set out in the Preliminary Title of the General Statutes of the University, will ensure that in all its regulations and actions there is no discrimination on the grounds of birth, racial or ethnic origin, sex, religion, conviction or opinion, age, disability, sexual orientation or identity, illness, language or any personal or social condition or circumstance, orienting university activity towards respect for human rights, social progress, the culture of peace, the culture of peace, and the respect for human rights, conviction or opinion, age, disability, sexual orientation or identity, illness, language or any other personal or social condition or circumstance, orienting university activity towards respect for human rights, social progress, the culture of peace, respect for the environment and sustainable development.

Comillas Pontifical University will take the necessary measures to establish the procedures and instruments to eradicate and prevent conduct or situations that are contrary to any of the fundamental rights and will ensure a balanced presence of men and women in all its decision-making bodies.