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Artificial Intelligence and the Social Doctrine of the Church

Jesús Sánchez Camacho, Professor of the Faculty of Theology and Director of the Integral Ecology Unit, participated as a speaker in this round table

A man in a dark suit and white shirt sits at a desk with a microphone, looking pensive.

Professor Sánchez Camacho during his speech

16 July 2024

On 2 and 3 July 2024, the 29th Course on the Social Doctrine of the Church, organised by the Paul VI Foundation, took place at its headquarters. On this occasion, the course focused on the challenges of artificial intelligence to the Social Doctrine of the Church.

It counted with the intervention of various experts, among whom, from the Faculty of Theology of Comillas, was Professor Jesús Sánchez Camacho, PhD. Our Professor participated as a speaker at the round table entitled "Main areas of impact of AI in the Social Doctrine of the Church: challenges and possibilities".

The round table is available below from the Pablo VI Foundation's YouTube channel:

Professor Jesús Sánchez Camacho holds a PhD in Human and Social Sciences, Department of Moral Theology and Praxis of Christian Life and is an expert, among other disciplines, in social communication. He is currently Director of the Integral Ecology Unit at Comillas Pontifical University.

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