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Summer Course: International Security Management

The world faces unprecedented challenges and uncertainty. In this course you will explore the most pressing problems to international security. We will take a broad-ranging perspective, looking at contemporary issues such as the transformation in warfare, energy security, cyberthreats, resource competition, the climate crisis and pandemics, among others. Through a combination of conferences, workshops and institutional visits, this course will provide you with a unique perspective into how security is understood and managed.

The course will be particularly appealing to students interested in international relations, international security and political science.

Fechas: July 7 to July 18, 2025.

A person interacts with a futuristic cybersecurity interface on a laptop, showing graphs and security symbols.

Why study this course?

  • You will achieve an in-depth understanding of a variety of contemporary global security problems, and of the different strategies to manage and tackle them.
  • You will receive high-quality training from internationally recognized experts, who will be prepared to offer advice and guidance.
  • You will benefit from a variety of activities including interactive exercises, simulations, institutional visits and networking opportunities.
  • You will develop a range of skills, including analytical and communication skills. 

A diploma will be awarded by the University!

Course Details:

  • Duration: 2 weeks (40 hours).
  • Credits: 4 ECTS.
  • Language: English.
  • Location: Universidad Pontifica Comillas – C/Alberto Aguilera 23, Madrid
  • Requirements: Undergraduate students, preferably between their second and third years. If the course is held in English, a minimum B2 English language certificate is required.
  • Registration: To register, please contact comillas.internacional@comillas.edu
  • Registration Deadline: Until May 15. For availability after the deadline, consult comillas.internacional@comillas.edu
  • Price:€800.
    • Early Bird Discount: 20% off for registrations completed before April 15.


La Universidad Pontificia Comillas no dispone de alojamiento propio, pero ofrece propuestas alternativas de alojamiento dirigidas a alumnos de la universidad.

Comillas Internacional

De lunes a jueves: de 9:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 17:00h. Viernes: de 9:00 a 13:30h.

De lunes a viernes: de 9:00 a 13:30h., durante los meses de junio, julio y agosto.