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The liturgical celebration of the Christian community

The lecture series of the Chair of Contemporary Theology of the Colegio Mayor universitario Chaminade is published

An advertisement banner featuring a book titled 'LA CELEBRACIÓN LITÚRGICA DE LA COMUNIDAD CRISTIANA' over a blurred image of people in a gathering, with a clear cityscape at the top.

The book can be purchased from the Publisher's web site

23 October 2024

The series of conferences on liturgy organised by the Chair of Contemporary Theology "José Antonio Romeo" of the Chaminade University Hall of Residence last year has now been published: La celebración litúrgica de la Comunidad Cristiana (Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch 2024, ISBN: 9788411837873).

The book gathers the papers, among others, of the Professors of the Faculty of Theology Fernando Millán Romeral, on the theological reflection of the liturgy, and Pedro Rodríguez Panizo, on the eschatological dimension of the liturgy.

All the latest news from the Faculty of Theology can be found on the website, in the monthly newsletter and on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

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