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The reparative dimension in the spirituality of Thérèse of Lisieux

The Revista de Espiritualidad has published the paper given by Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero, PhD, at the 1st International Congress of St. Therese of Lisieux

The image shows a journal article's title page in Spanish about the spirituality of Teresa of Lisieux, highlighting themes of healing and context.

The full article is available to subscribers

28 June 2024

The paper that Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero gave at the I International Congress Saint Therese of Lisieux: "A Giant's Race". Manuscript "A" of the History of a soul, organised by CITeS, has been published by the Journal of Spirituality. Her work has been chosen, along with four others, as a preview of the proceedings that will bring together all the conferences and communications.

The Editorial of the Journal of Spirituality - directedby Professor Emilio J. Martínez, OCD - refers to the research of our professor, entitled La dimensión reparadora en la espiritualidad de Teresa de Lisieux: contexto, raíces, vivencia (The reparative dimension in the spirituality of Therese of Lisieux: context, roots, experience), with the following words:

"Dr Fernandez Cordero conscientiously analyses a fundamental theme for the understanding of the spirituality of Therese of the Child Jesus, in continuity and, above all, in response to the devotional practices of her time: reparative spirituality. Without escaping from her context, Teresa overcomes the deformed or insufficient images of God, as not evangelical, and restores love to its central place in Christian spirituality".

The full article is available to subscribers by clicking here.

Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero holds a PhD in Geography and History, is Director of the Department of Sacred Scripture and Church History and an expert, among other disciplines, in Modern Church History and spirituality and mysticism.

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