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The spirituality of Therese of Lisieux in the key of reparation

The proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Saint Therese of Lisieux, in which Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero took part, have been published

A promotional image featuring a vintage photo of a woman, an academic book cover, and a background of historic red buildings.

The book can be purchased from the publisher's web site

24 October 2024

Held in September 2023 at the CITeS, the International Teresian Centre of Saint Therese of Lisieux "University of Mysticism", the First International Congress on Saint Therese of Lisieux was attended by international experts on this Saint.

Among the speakers was Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero, Professor of Church History at the Faculty of Theology and member of the University Institute of Spirituality.

Now, the publication has seen the light of day in a joint work coordinated by Danilio Ayala, Emilio J. Martínez and Myrna Torbay, entitled Una carrera de gigante. Manuscript A of the History of a Soul. Teresa del Niño Jesús y de la Santa Faz (Grupo Editorial Fonte - Monte Carmelo, Universidad de la Mística - CITeS, 2024. ISBN: 978-84-10023-46-8).

In this publication, we find the article by Professor Fernández Cordero, entitled "The reparatory dimension in the spirituality of Thérèse of Lisieux: context, roots, experience".

The following is the presentation of this work:

CITeS - University of Mysticism is organising a series of congresses between 2023 and 2025 on Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, highlighting her spiritual, anthropological and cultural importance. These congresses, inspired by events such as her declaration by UNESCO and the centenaries of her beatification and canonisation, focus on her key writings, starting with "Manuscript A" of her autobiography *History of a Soul*. The conferences address his historical context, his spirituality based on love and hope, and its relevance for believers and non-believers today.

The book can be purchased from the publisher's website.

Professor María Jesús Fernández Cordero holds a PhD in Geography and History from the Department of Sacred Scripture and Church History, and is a recognised expert in mysticism and spirituality, especially in the Modern Age. She is currently Director of the Department of Sacred Scripture and Church History at the Faculty of Theology at Comillas.

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